On the Daily Politics Soapbox

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The Daily Politics invites a famous face to get on their soap box on an issue they feel passionately about.

Here are some of the films our stars have made promoting a cause close to them.

Lammy: Housing shortage is causing poverty

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Labour MP David Lammy is worried that parts of the private rental sector are forcing people back into poverty

Goldacre: Publish all drug trial results

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Publish all drug trial results, says Dr Ben Goldacre

UKIP: Appalling UK gives EU £55m a day

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UKIP councillor Suzanne Evans on why UK should leave EU

A former Conservative leader said he "may vote no" and back the UK leaving the EU in his party's planned referendum if "we have not made significant changes" before 2017.

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Howard on EU: I may well vote no

'Pensions are an issue for us all'

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Pensions are for young people too says Margaret de Valois and the media has a role to play

Inflation-free plan to help older people

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Prof Heinz Wolff explains the Care4Care scheme helping older people

A pressing challenge facing society is how to care for an ageing population in austere times, but a television scientist offers his own cashless solution.

MP calls for pricing and food information for shoppers

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Laura Sandys: "Time the consumer had the truth"

Consumers must have more rights and better information about food and other products before they decide what to buy, an MP claims.

Poet Motion: house building, Green Belt and countryside

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Andrew Motion on building homes in 'beautiful precious countryside'

CPRE president and former Poet Laureate Andrew Motion climbs on a soapbox to claim homes can be built while protecting green areas as he spoke up for England's "beautiful precious irreplaceable countryside".

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Andrew Motion, Mark Harper and Own Smith on how to choose building sites

Preston bus station landmark facing demolition

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John Wilson puts the case for saving the 1969 "unique and iconic" Preston bus station

Preston bus station is threatened with demolition, but campaigner John Wilson put the case for saving the 1969 "unique and iconic" structure from the wrecker's ball.

Philip Booth on government culture money

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Arts funding should be reviewed as it was a "price we all have to pay" said Philip Booth, of the Institute of Economic Affairs.

Arts funding should be reviewed as it was a "price we all have to pay" said Philip Booth, of the Institute of Economic Affairs.

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Jude Kelly: "We don't want arts for the few"

'More women needed on TV and in media'

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Alice Arnold: "I want change and I want it now - no more excuses"

There should be more effort to get women on TV and in the media, says the former BBC Radio Four announcer and newsreader Alice Arnold.

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Alice Arnold, Emily Thornberry and Jo Swinson on quotas for women

Price restrictions on starter homes?

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Time for starter homes restrictions?

The cost of housing in Britain has led to millions of young people priced-out of buying a home of their own with millions more hoping prices remain high to prevent a slide into negative equity.

Tatchell: Equality for all, hatred of none

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Peter Tatchell: Equality for all, hatred of none

Videos have appeared on the internet showing women, gay people and others in the London borough of Tower Hamlets being subjected to abuse and told to get out of "Muslim areas".

Why is there so much bad news on TV?

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Why is there so much bad news on TV?

Broadcasters should look for more good news, rather than the disasters and grim happenings that lead TV bulletins, says designer Wayne Hemingway.

Cancer care 'medieval and degrading'

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Lord Saatchi on cancer treatment and his Medical Innovation Bill

Lord Saatchi - best known as an advertising guru - is introducing a bill aiming to help find a cure for cancer 18 months after he lost his wife to a rare form of the disease.

PM warned to stop 'vanity' rail project

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Actor Geoffrey Palmer on high speed rail plan

Actor Geoffrey Palmer claimed the HS2 rail line that would pass his home in the Chilterns would be the most expensive railway in the world, equivalent to the cost of 60 hospitals.

MPs salaries should be 'more generous'

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Former civil servant Martin Narey reckons MPs should be paid more money despite the revelations which saw some in court over their expenses

Former civil servant Martin Narey reckons MPs should be paid more money despite the revelations which saw some in court over their expenses.

Simon Callow on same-sex marriage

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Simon Callow: Gay marriage can't come too soon

Actor Simon Callow explains why he backs the prime minister on gay marriage and how it would "set its seal" on his love for his partner.

The case against Christmas presents

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Martin Lewis: Don't give Christmas presents

Consumer finance expert Martin Lewis makes a plea to save the pennies and shorten the present list.

'It's time to limit NHS provision'

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Katie Hopkins on NHS eating, smoking and drinking costs

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Philip Hammond and Emily Thornberry take the opposite view to Katie Hopkins and her ideas for NHS charging

Former TV Apprentice Katie Hopkins believes people who eat, drink and smoke more than is good for them should pay more towards the NHS health care they need, as she calls for additional payments for some health services.

No black people in rural Britain?

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Dwayne Fields: "I hardly ever see young people in the countryside, let alone black people"

Londoner Dwayne Fields, who has walked to the north pole and plans to venture to the south pole in a few weeks, hopes his fame could encourage other black people to explore the British countryside.

'Real work and training' needed

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Long term unemployed make up a 'let-down generation' and are victims of a 'terrible double-whammy' says social entrepreneur Colin Crooks

One solution to unemployment is "real work and real training" says the social entrepreneur and author Colin Crooks, who gives his views on how to get young people back to work.

Young people lack 'basic life skills'

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Colin Smith claims some young people lack the "basic life skills" required for the workplace

The chairman of the Poundland chain of shops claimed some young people lack the "basic but crucial life skills" for work, and business leaders must play their part in helping them.

HS2 rail 'will end north-south divide'

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HS2 rail will end 'north-south divide', claims Pete Waterman

The HS2 rail line will end the 'north-south divide' in Britain, claims rail enthusiast Pete Waterman as he recalls how a previous upgrade made it possible for him to get from the Midlands to London in less than an hour.

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Council leader Martin with Pete Waterman on the HS2 rail scheme

Private schools are a 'social menace

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George Monbiot: Public schools should be closed down

The environmentalist and author George Monbiot, who went to a private school, put the case for closing them down.

Why do British work such long hours?

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Why do British work such long hours?

Economist Robert Skidelsky looks at John Maynard Keynes' predictions, what people want today and finds a society "obsessed with consumption"

Widow: We must stop underage drinking

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Baroness Newlove speaks in Havering, east London, one of the neighbourhoods, where she has been trying to tackle anti social behaviour through community activism.

Baroness Newlove in one of the neighbourhoods where she has been trying to tackle anti-social behaviour through community action.

Ban chips on school menus, says Reid

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No packed lunches or chips at school says Alex Reid

Big businesses should sponsor compulsory school meals, and packed lunches should be banned, says the former cage fighter and Celebrity Big Brother winner Alex Reid.

Subsidise local newspapers says MP

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Louise Mensch MP climbs on the Daily Politics soapbox to argue for state subsidies to keep the regional press rolling

With many daily local newspapers turning into weeklies, Louise Mensch MP climbs on the Daily Politics soapbox to argue for state subsidies to keep the regional press rolling.

12p fizzy drink tax 'could save lives'

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Mike Rayner is calling for a "fat tax" to get the British eating more healthily and cut back on fizzy drinks, chocolate, crisps and pasties

A University of Oxford director is calling for a "fat tax" to get the British eating more healthily and cut back on fizzy drinks, chocolate, crisps and pasties.

Don't give naval contracts to Scotland'

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Portsmouth's Gerald Vernon-Jackson said it would be "really stupid" for British ships to be built outside Britain and the work should go to his city.

A council leader has argued no further UK government contracts for shipbuilding should be placed in Scotland until the independence issued has been settled.

Why 'we need an English Parliament'

Why 'we need an English Parliament'

English Democrats leader Robin Tilbook climbs on the Daily Politics Soapbox to explain why he campaigns for England to have to have its own Parliament.

London Olympics 'not worth it'

London Olympics 'not worth it'

The writer Iain Sinclair has spent decades documenting London and its edgelands and reckons the Olympic development in east London has ruined a "wonderful wasteland".

Why I donate my winter fuel money

Why I donate my winter fuel money

The former Conservative MP Ann Widdecombe - who served as shadow home and health secretaries - reckons the better-off pensioners like her should donate their winter fuel payments from the government.

Lobbyists 'should not be ashamed

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Lobbyists should not be ashamed, says Mark Adams

Mark Adams spoke up for the lobbying profession, claiming they had no reason to be ashamed of their work.

Older people 'not getting care they should'

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Dementia care reform needed, says Rosie Boycott

Journalist Rosie Boycott called for a reform of social care for older adults as she explained what happened when her father developed dementia and ended up going into a home.

We have to change view on nuclear power'

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Nuclear power needed to fight climate change says Al-Khalili

The scientist, author and broadcaster Prof Jim Al-Khalili says "we have to change our views on nuclear power" as he addressed concerns after the Fukushima plant leak in Japan.

Plumber's call to flush 50p tax rate

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50p tax rate should go says plumber Charlie Mullins

The owner of a London plumbing firm explains why he thinks the 50p top tax rate is hurting British businesses.

Rugby star on fighting bullying

Rugby star on fighting bullying

Former England rugby international Ben Cohen explains why he stands up against bullying and homophobia.

Author: 'We need to share more'

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Author Danny Dorling on closing gap between rich and poor

Author Danny Dorling claims the British people need to learn the lessons of the 1930s and do something about the growing gap between the super rich and everyone else.

Sam Fox's appeal to save the tigers

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Sam Fox's appeal to save the tigers

Even though it's illegal, the trade in tiger parts is still taking place all over the world and Sam Fox wants this practice to end.

Monks: UK should still join euro

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UK should join euro currency says ex-TUC boss John Monks

Britain should consider joining the euro currency, despite the state of the eurozone says John Monks, the former general secretary of the TUC.

Why phone-hacking could kill off PC

Why phone-hacking could kill off PCC

Former Press Complaints Commission chairman Sir Christopher Meyer claims the phone-hacking allegations could see the end of the regulatory body.

Why UK farmers need the European CAP

Why UK farmers need the European CAP

NFU vice president Gwyn Jones explains why he believes the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is needed to keep Britain farming.

Blame Churchill for Human Rights Act?

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Patrick O'Flynn of the Express traces the history of the Human Rights Act back to Winston Churchill but explains why he wants it to go.

Patrick O'Flynn of the Express traces the history of the Human Rights Act back to Winston Churchill but explains why he wants it to go.

Britain 'can't afford' rising energy bills

Power bills 'inflated' for climate change

Matthew Sinclair, TaxPayers' Alliance director and author of a book on green taxes gives his take on rising energy costs and what he thinks we can and cannot afford.

Clogged airport risk to London growth

Clogged airport risk to London growth

Baroness Valentine - who speaks for London First - puts the case for further expansion at London's airports.

Gerbeau: Don't be like the French

Gerbeau: Don't be like the French

The businessman who helped make the Millennium Dome what it was, offers a French view on the wave of industrial action on this side of the Channel.

Rowntree drums up housing benefit anger

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Housing benefit change could lead to cardboard city says David Rowntree

David Rowntree - drummer in the band Blur, now turned Labour activist and trainee solicitor - predicted the return of the cardboard city, with people living in boxes on the streets.

Why can't girls play football asks MP?

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Why can't girls play football asks MP?

Tracey Crouch has been booted off the Parliamentary football team, because she is a woman, but the MP claimed girls and women should be encouraged to play the national sport.On the Daily Politics Soapbox

Winter fuel payment 'waste of money'

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Winter fuel payments are waste of money says author Ed Howker

Author Ed Howker says the taxpayer is already paying too much to subsidise the over-60s with bus passes, winter fuel payments and free eyes tests.

Spend more on aid, says ex-army chief

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Spend more on international aid, says Lord Dannatt

The former head of the British army appeals to politicians to "move to the moral high ground" and raise spending on international aid once the current economic problems are over.

MEP: UK should not bail out euro

Euro bailout: Don't send UK the bill

The Conservative MEP, Daniel Hannan says the UK should wake up to how much it is paying to support the euro currency and EU countries struggling with debt.

Venture capitalist: deeper and faster cuts needed

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Venture capitalist John Moulton says cuts should be deeper and go further

Venture capitalist John Moulton says economic cuts should be deeper and go further to help the UK economy.

Guide dogs refused restaurant entry

Why can't my guide dog come in?

Barring blind people with guide dogs from restaurants should be against the law argues Talksport political journalist, Sean Dilley.

English Baccalaureate not good enough - author

MG Harris on English Bacc plan

Children's author and school governor MG Harris argues the planned English Baccalaureate, with its focus on core subjects, risks marginalising less academic pupils.

Give teenagers leaving care a mentor

Olympian defends teenagers in care

Former Olympic athlete Kriss Akabusi, who grew up in care, wants the government to do to more to help teenagers in care.

Johnny Ball's climate change sums

Johnny Ball on climate fears

TV presenter Johnny Ball is known for his grasp of maths but reckons arguments from climate change campaigners don't add up.

Saira Khan in Big Society birthplace

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Ex-Apprentice Saira Khan on David Cameron's Big Society project

Broadcaster and entrepreneur Saira Khan headed to David Cameron's Oxfordshire seat in Witney to give her take on the so-called Big Society.

Toyah: I have suffered ageism and sexism

Toyah battles ageism and sexism

The singer-turned-presenter Toyah Willcox explains how she has suffered ageism and sexism throughout her career.

Mosse: 'Don't shut libraries to balance books'

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Save our libraries, author Kate Mosse says to councils

Author Kate Mosse explains the day of action to send a message to politicians about the campaigns to save library services.

Pete Waterman: You can't get the staff

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Pete Waterman: "You can't get the staff"

Music man Peter Waterman explains how he struggles to get apprentices who can properly work at his heritage railways business.

Neil Fox's plea to end the war on motorists

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Neil Fox's plea to end the war on motorists

Radio DJ Neil Fox (aka Dr Fox) thinks it is time the government delivered on its pledge to end the war on motorists.

Billie Oddie on intensive farming

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Wildlife presenter Billie Oddie on intensive farming

Wildlife presenter Bill Oddie gives his take against farming methods which are popular in the US and there are plans to bring them to the UK.

'We can't afford the Falklands'

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Peter Preston: UK can't afford the Falklands

Former Guardian editor Peter Preston thinks we need a bit of political bravery and admit we can no longer fund the Falkland Islands.

'Give 10% of your money to charity'

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Oxford academic Toby Ord on giving his money to charity

Oxford academic Toby Ord gives everything he earns - above £18,000 - to charities in developing countries and he thinks more of us should consider giving 10% of our income to good causes.

Actor's calls for climate change aid

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David Harewood on climate change

Actor David Harewood - famed for TV roles seeing him as Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela on TV plus roles in Robin Hood and Doctor Who - says money must keep flowing to the world's poorest people to help them fight the effects of climate change.

Olympic athlete: save sport funding

Olympic athlete Darren Campbell - who brought a gold medal back from the Athens games and a silver from Sydney - says the coalition government should re-think its plans to cut sport funding in English schools.

'Children need to be allowed to fail

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Katharine Birbalsingh discussing her Tory conference speech in 2010

Katharine Birbalsingh was a deputy head in an inner city London school but everything changed at the Conservative Party Conference where she received a standing ovation following her speech on a "culture of excuses" in state education.

Sainsbury: 'GM food will help feed world'

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Lord Sainsbury's call for GM food

Lord Sainsbury says it is time for a new debate on GM foods as he thinks they will help feed the world population estimated to reach 9bn by 2050.

Tax the rich more says Greg Philo

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One-off tax on the rich to save cuts, says Greg Philo

A one-off tax on the rich in Britain should save the need for planned cuts in the economy, says Greg Philo

Sewell calls to kill off Arts Council

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Art critic Brian Sewell says iis time to kill the Arts Council and replace it with Dragons Den style funding bids

'Alf Garnett' wants Harman for leader

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Warren Mitchell wants Harman for leader

Warren Mitchell is unimpressed with all of the Labour Party leadership contenders and thinks acting leader Harriet Harman should carry on in the role.

John Bird: 'get radical on benefits'

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Big Issue founder John Bird's makes an appeal to David Cameron about people on benefits.