MPs' pay - Christmas Quiz
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Q1 - Should MPs set their own pay?
If your answer is something like :
"Are you mad? They set their own expenses and look what happened. Do you remember that duck house..."
proceed to next question
Q2 - Should MPs get an 11% pay rise?
If your answer is something like :
"Are you mad? There wasn't just the duck house, there was the moat and the dog food and the mortgages and ..... They shouldn't get a b***dy pay rise they should go to prison. Well, er, some did, didn't they?"
proceed to next question
Q3 - Would you like MPs to over-rule the independent body which is planning to award them that pay rise?
Before you answer please consider your answer to Q1.
How to rate your answers (yes = 1 point no = 0)
0-3 There is no popular way to set MPs pay and conditions.
Above 3 Lucky you're not setting MPs pay. You can't count