Brexit: Edinburgh voters voice 'shock' in Scotland's most pro-Remain city
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Alice Cook said she was embarrassed to be English
The people of Edinburgh delivered the strongest Remain vote in Scotland - and a quick tour of the capital's streets found people "shocked" and "devastated" by the decision to leave the EU.
While the UK voted for Brexit, 74.4% of those who cast their ballots in the Scottish capital were in favour of remaining.
Driving through the capital, making stops along the way to talk to people, there were no visible signs in the streets or in gardens of how people felt about the vote.
There were no flags, banners or groups of kilted men as there had been in the hours after the Scottish referendum result in 2014.
However, everyone wanted to talk about the referendum result.

Amelia Baptie said she was "heartbroken and devastated" by the result
Alice Cook, 41, a teacher who lives in Portobello, said she was "worried and scared" by the result.
"This is a disaster. I am devastated. I am astounded by the English," she said.
"I am happy with Scotland's vote but I'm embarrassed to be English and I'm glad I moved to Scotland to be with like-minded people.
"This is probably the most stupid thing that will ever happen in my lifetime.
"Isolating ourselves is ridiculous. I have a new Danish boyfriend who was planning to move here but I don't know what this means for him now."

How has Scotland reacted to the Brexit vote?
BBC Scotland took to the streets of towns and cities across the country to find out what people feel about the decision to leave the EU.

Some mothers in Morningside said they were up at 05:00 so they could find out the result.
Amelia Baptie, 36, a mother of twins, said she was "heartbroken and devastated" by the result, as were most of the parents she spoke to in the playground.
She said: "I think if it was about hope on the Leave side then some good could come out of it, but it was about hatred.
"I am upset and worried. I don't know what has happened to England. They have gone so much to the right and Scotland is being pulled along.
"My parents live in France and they are very worried now if they can stay, and about their income."

Beryl Borrowman said she was shocked at the outcome
Beryl Borrowman, 72, a grandmother-of-four, said: "I voted for Europe to join the EU but it is not the Europe that I voted for.
"However, I voted to Remain and so feel slightly shocked and a bit sad."

Logan Turner said he was "very worried" about his German mother
Logan Turner, 27, a recovery worker from Colinton Mains in Edinburgh, said he was "very worried" about his German mother.
He said: "My mother has lived in Scotland for at least 35 years but was told she had to choose which passport she kept. So she chose her German one as she wanted to retain her heritage.
"Now after this vote she will not be entitled to any benefits from the government here. However, if my parents move to Germany then my dad will lose his pension from here, so they are in a Catch 22 situation."

Linda Napier had not expected there to be a Leave vote
Linda Napier, 37, from Colinton Mains, said: "I'm shocked as I didn't think the vote would be to leave.
"Scotland is always in England's back shadow.
"I'm scared because when we leave there is no going back and it's the next generation that will take the brunt."