Andrew Carnegie: Gold key gift celebrates theatre makeover

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Gold keyImage source, PA Media

A gold key given to a philanthropist who opened a Scottish theatre will be exhibited to mark the venue's refurbishment.

The industrialist Andrew Carnegie was born in Dunfermline, Fife, in 1835.

In 1899 he opened the Kirkcaldy Adam Smith Theatre and was in turn given the gold key.

And the striking gift is now set to go on display to mark the venue's recent £7.8m makeover.

The key was one of two given out when the venue was inaugurated almost 124 years ago.

Carnegie, who died in Massachusetts in 1919, is said to have given almost 90% of his fortune to charities, foundations, and universities - about £273m ($338m).

The other key was given to the widow of Kirkcaldy linoleum manufacturer Michael Beveridge, who funded the theatre's construction.

Both keys will be on display at Kirkcaldy Galleries, situated across the road from the now revamped theatre.

It marks the first time both keys will be seen together since 1899, and will be the first time in a decade that the Carnegie key has been exhibited.

Crafted by local jeweller Alex Constable, the keepsakes were not keys to the theatre itself but decorative items bearing Kirkcaldy's coat of arms and inscriptions to each recipient.

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Image caption,

Gondoliers performers at the Adam Smith Theatre in 1899 in Kirkcaldy

Speaking at the opening in 1899, Mr Carnegie declared the venue "suitable for concerts, charades, private theatricals, meetings of philanthropic committees, lectures upon interesting and instructive topics and entertainments of all kinds".

Accepting his ceremonial key from Mrs Elizabeth Beveridge, Mr Carnegie said: "This key, presented in any circumstances, would have been precious beyond price.

"Coming, madame, from you, the honoured wife of one of the benefactors of Kirkcaldy, I assure you this key must ever derive and retain tenfold value and (will be) handed down in our family as one of its most precious heirlooms."

Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919)

Image source, Galeforce Fims/BBC
  • Born in Dunfermline, he immigrated to the United States with his parents in 1848

  • Early education at the Free School in Dunfermline, which was gifted to the town by Adam Rolland of Gask

  • His first job was as a bobbin boy in 1848, changing spools of thread in a Scottish owned mill - he worked 12 hour days, six days a week

  • A series of successful investments and the birth of Carnegie's steel empire saw him accumulate substantial wealth

  • In 1901, he sold the Carnegie Steel Company to JP Morgan for more than $300m (£242m)

  • The 1901 deal meant Carnegie surpassed John D Rockefeller as the richest American of the time

  • He devoted the rest of his life to philanthropy, with emphasis on libraries, world peace, education, and scientific research

The theatre was opened on 11 October 1899 to honour the hugely influential economist and philosopher Adam Smith, who was born in Kirkcaldy 300 years ago.

The venue reopens on Saturday with a grand concert, hosted by radio, TV and pantomime star Grant Stott.

Other works which can be viewed at the venue include a sculpture of Smith by Italian artist Baron Carlo Marochetti, which will be on permanent display.

Image source, PA Media

The Adam Smith Theatre quickly became a popular venue following its inauguration for its movies, boxing tournaments, opera and concerts.

The building also housed soldiers from Scotland during both world wars.

OnFife, a cultural charity which runs the theatre, cited many famous names who have walked the Adam Smith stage including James McAvoy, entertainer Jimmy Logan and former prime ministers James Callaghan and Gordon Brown.

Gavin Grant, OnFife's collections team leader, said: "The theatre's reopening is a wonderful opportunity to reunite the two presentation keys for the first time since 1899.

"We're delighted that visitors to Kirkcaldy Galleries can view these significant objects from the town's history over the coming year."

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