'It's embarrassing, but you can't live on fresh air'

Food banks in Scotland gave out a record number of food parcels last year, according to new figures.

More than 170,000 three-day emergency food supplies were distributed by The Trussell Trust's 52 food banks.

The charity said it saw a 17% increase in demand north of the border in 2017/18, compared to the previous year.

And it claimed a growing proportion of people referred to Scottish food banks have found that their benefits do not cover the cost of essentials.

David Atkinson has used a food bank since January 2018. He says he made the choice to use a food bank after cuts to his benefits.

He said: ''It's kind of embarrassing, but when you've not got the money, you've got to do something. You can't live on fresh air."

David says that the rising costs of food and rent prices means he is left trapped in a "vicious circle" of having to turn to a food bank.