Frightened Rabbit singer's brother joins Great Scottish Run in his memory

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Scott and Grant Hutchinson
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Drummer Grant said his brother's death had made the issues of mental health hugely important to him

The brother of Frightened Rabbit singer Scott Hutchison is to take part in this weekend's Great Scottish Run, external to raise awareness of mental health issues.

Grant Hutchison hopes to help highlight the problems of depression and anxiety which his brother suffered from before taking his own life.

Scott's body was found near the Forth Road Bridge in May. He was 36.

Drummer Grant said his brother's death had made the importance of getting help for people "huge" to him now.

He also wants more support and education for the friends and family of people who are struggling with mental health problems.

'Delicate situation'

He told the BBC's Good Morning Scotland programme: "I'm someone who has not suffered, certainly in the same way as Scott did, so was probably quite ignorant of how serious it can be.

"If you don't have that empathy, not having gone through it yourself, it's really difficult to know what to do because it's such a delicate situation.

"My usual approach with things is to go in quite forcefully and quite strongly, and that's not necessarily the best approach in this situation.

"So not being able to fall back on my usual instincts made it really difficult to know how to be there and support him."

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Scott Hutchison took his own life in May after suffering from depression

Grant said the backing of family and friends had helped him to cope since the death of his brother.

He said: "It's obviously been extremely difficult but I've got a great support network who have been incredibly strong and kept me strong and been there for me when I needed it.

"It sounds like a cliche but it genuinely is just getting through to the end of each day. You can't really look beyond that."

'Better equipped'

He added: "There should be more information out there for people like myself in that situation. If I felt there was somewhere I could go to educate myself and learn more about Scott's depression and anxiety, then that maybe would have equipped me to help more."

Grant will be among tens thousands of 10k and half-marathon runners taking to the streets of Glasgow for the Bank of Scotland Great Scottish Run on Sunday.

And he joked his unusual "training" regime had left him "fighting fit".

He said: "I had my stag do and a friend's wedding these past two weekends. But I'm feeling good and it will be great fun."

Details of organisations offering information and support with mental health issues are available at the BBC's Action Line, or you can call for free, at any time to hear recorded information on 08000 564 756.