Archimedes Screw hydro scheme proposed for Inverness
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An artist impression of the planned hydro electric scheme
Highland Council has submitted plans for an Archimedes Screw hydro electric scheme in Inverness.
The project has been proposed for Torvean Weir on the River Ness near Whin Park.
The local authority said it could provide power for a nearby leisure centre and Highland Archive Centre.
It also hopes to raise up to £120,000 a year selling surplus electricity, and encourage visits to the screw which would have a shell-like housing.
The Archimedes Screw has been used in the past as a means of drawing water at low level to a higher level. Its design is linked to the ancient Greek scientist Archimedes.
In recent times, the screw has been used as a way of generating electricity.

An illustration previously released by the council of the planned hydro scheme