Mountain Rescuers called up Ben Nevis for struggling dog

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Maggie the Akbash dogImage source, LMRT
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Maggie the Akbash dog was carried down the last half of the mountain on a stretcher

A mountain rescue team were called up the UK's highest mountain to bring back a dog that refused to budge.

Maggie, a 35kg Turkish Akbash dog, had sore paws and refused to go further when the walkers she was with began their trek back down the hill.

The three women attempted to carry her but had to admit defeat.

Lochaber Mountain Rescue got the pet back by 01:00 on Sunday, after a day that saw four other callouts.

Team Leader Donald Paterson said conditions had taken their toll on the dog.

He said: "It had given up and the ladies were struggling to help it down.

"It had a few cuts to its paws, but I think with the heat and soreness it decided it wasn't going any further."

A stretcher party, complete with a casualty carer and chicken stick treats, was dispatched to assist Maggie.

The women managed to carry her halfway down Ben Nevis where they met the team.

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The team met the casualty halfway up the hill after three women carried Maggie down

Maggie was secured to the stretcher and transported the rest of the way by the team in the dark.

"The owners were struggling and would certainly have been up there all night if they didn't get any assistance," said Mr Paterson.

He said he would not expect his team to go out for an animal, but they insisted.

The Lochaber team had been called out four times already - to assist someone with a head injury, another with an ankle injury and two cases related to the hot conditions.

They finally finished their shift after the five-hour rescue at 01:00.

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Maggie was feeling better after a rest, some treats and some water