Labour: Sir Keir Starmer says suspended Aberdeen councillors saga 'needs resolved'

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Sir Keir StarmerImage source, Getty Images

The ongoing three-year saga of a suspended group of Labour councillors in Aberdeen "needs to be resolved", the UK Labour leader has said.

Nine councillors were suspended in May 2017 after they disobeyed former leader Kezia Dugdale's instructions not to form a coalition with Conservatives.

They have been waiting on a formal ruling on their fate since then.

Sir Keir told BBC News he had always been clear that he was looking to speed up procedures.

The party leader said: "In my view it's been going on for far too long, it needs to be resolved.

"One of the things that I said loud and clear in my leadership bid was that all disciplinary cases need to take place a lot more quickly.

"So I'll be making sure that there are changes in place across all the disciplinary cases to ensure things are resolved much more quickly than they are at the moment."

He was speaking as he did a virtual visit to Scotland through video chat, his first since becoming leader.