Oor Fierce Girls campaign tackles peer sexual abuse and harassment

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Ashley Henderson
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Ashley Henderson said helping create the campaign was an "incredible experience"

A group of young women in Dundee have launched a campaign to promote healthy relationships and tackle peer sexual abuse and harassment.

Oor Fierce Girls have created an electronic toolkit, external offering advice and support to young people, parents, carers, and teachers.

The campaign was designed by six teenagers from Dundee schools, colleges and universities.

They were assisted by groups including YWCA Scotland and Girl Guiding.

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Two of the teenagers were joined at the launch by Roisin Smith and Sarah Anderson from Dundee City Council

A recent BBC investigation revealed at least 13,000 sex offences a year between under-18s were reported to police in England and Wales between 2018 and 2020.

Fatima Ishaq, a final-year pupil at Morgan Academy in Dundee, said the group had worked on the campaign for seven months.

She said: "A lot of people don't actually realise what they may be going through is abuse, hence the need for the campaign.

"It doesn't have to be just physical, there's the emotional side too.

"A lot of the time in schools we do focus on consent and rape and sexual education, but there is a gap in terms of what a relationship is and what a healthy relationship should look and feel like."

The toolkit includes conversation starters and advice, and where to get support if a relationship "doesn't feel right."

Supportive way

Ashley Henderson, an S6 Pupil at Baldragon Academy said: "If this campaign reaches even one girl and reminds her that she isn't alone and that she deserves to ask for help, I can rest knowing that someone's life has been made that much easier for them."

Councillor Roisin Smith, depute convener of the children and families committee, said: "After the summer, the toolkits will be shared with school staff in Dundee to help them support young girls in a way that is supportive and not degrading.

"This is only the beginning of the campaign and I look forward to seeing it grow."