Max's death like a 'lightning bolt to the chest'

The father of a student who killed himself after struggling with depression has said his loss is "like a lightning bolt to the chest".

Max Easey, 21, disappeared on 12 February. His body was found in Hendy, Carmarthenshire, later that night.

The University of Wales Trinity St Davids student's life changed when he suffered an injury that put an end to hopes of a professional rugby career.

His father Nick described the moment his son's body was found by police officers.

Mr Easey, from Swansea, told the Wales Live programme mental illness needed more recognition.

His comments come as a top Welsh Government adviser said more should be done to support students who are vulnerable to suicide.

Figures from the Office for National Statistics show 12 students in Wales died by suicide in 2016, the highest number in the past 15 years.

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