Coronavirus: Tredegar and Kinmel Bay 'hit hard' by economic impact

"As optimistic as we try to be, and we try to think we can come back from this, the reality is, if the money is not coming through the door you can't keep your business open."

Chris Morgan and his family run a cafe in Tredegar, in Blaenau Gwent.

Before the lockdown the business was thriving, but now they are only able to offer takeaways, which are proving popular, but are a long way off the full cafe they had before.

A research group has highlighted the town as one of the ones which is most likely to suffer in the aftermath of coronavirus.

The Centre for Towns says valleys towns and coastal communities will be the greatest hit by the economic impact of the virus.

Ten Welsh towns are in the top 20 most economically fragile, with Tredegar and Kinmel Bay in the top three.

The Welsh Government said it was spending £2bn to protect jobs.

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