Bute Park attack: Unknown voice on Gary Jenkins CCTV, court hears

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Dr Gary JenkinsImage source, Family Photo
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Dr Gary Jenkins died 16 days after the attack last July

More people than accounted for could have been at the scene when Dr Gary Jenkins was killed, a court has heard.

A jury was played CCTV audio from Bute Park's summerhouse cafe which recorded the sound of last July's attack.

Lee Strickland, 36, Jason Edwards, 25, and a 17-year-old girl have admitted the manslaughter of the 54-year-old and robbery but deny his murder.

Det Sgt Shannon Walker told the court she listened to CCTV "for many hours" to try and establish who said what.

She identified the victim's voice, three other male voices and a female.

Ignatius Hughes QC, defending Jason Edwards, suggested to Merthyr Tydfil Crown Court a voice using an expletive and the name Lee had a Welsh accent but couldn't have been Lee Strickland himself, witness Louis Williams, or Jason Edwards.

Image source, Dimitris Legakis | Athena Pictures
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Lee Strickland and Jason Edwards have pleaded guilty to manslaughter and robbery but deny murder

Det Sgt Walker was quizzed about other parts of the audio where she could not identify the man speaking.

Among phrases that could not be attributed to anyone was the sentence: "I want it bigger, I want it bigger. Over the bridges."

Det Sgt Walker she couldn't understand the context of the sentence and or who said it.

Judge Daniel Williams asked whether it was being suggested there were others present at the scene of the assault.

Mr Hughes said: "It is being suggested by me that the audio suggests that more than four male voices were present during the assault."

The jury were also read statements by some of the doctors who treated Dr Jenkins at the scene and when he was transferred to Cardiff's University Hospital of Wales.

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Dr Jenkins was attacked near the Summerhouse cafe in Bute Park

The court heard he was "deeply unconscious" by the time medics arrived.

It was told his right pupil was not responsive to light and his blood pressure was very high and that both these things suggest serious brain injury.

Dr Jenkins died 16 days after the attack.

The trial continues.

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