Logan Mwangi: Murder accused Googled 'five-year-old dead'

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Logan Mwangi, also known as Logan Williamson
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Logan was found dead in the River Ogmore in Sarn, Bridgend county, last July

A woman accused of murdering her five-year-old son searched for news articles about him in the hours after he was found dead, a court has heard.

Cardiff Crown Court was told Angharad Williamson searched for "five-year-old dead Bridgend" twice that evening.

Jurors heard an account linked to Ms Williamson was used to search a number of news websites.

The 30-year-old, her partner John Cole, 40, and a 14-year-old who cannot be named, deny murdering Logan Mwangi.

His remains were discovered in the River Ogmore in Sarn, Bridgend county, at 05:45 on 31 July 2021.

The court heard details of activity from a Google account linked to Ms Williamson's phone early that morning.

Michelle Claxton, an intelligence analyst with South Wales Police, told the court the account was used to view 17 videos on YouTube up until about 2:15AM, including material by "Dr Pimple Popper".

During cross-examination, John Hipkin QC, who represents the teenager, said there was "an issue about whether it is Angharad Williamson" who was using the phone and said the videos showed "particular interests" over some time.

Ms Claxton confirmed that some of the videos had been viewed numerous times from the account linked to Ms Williamson.

The court heard one Dr Pimple Popper video, showing a man having a cyst removed, had been viewed a total of 27 times over a six-week period.

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Angharad Williamson and John Cole are both charged with Logan Mwangi's murder

The jury was also shown extensive CCTV footage indicating the movements of the three defendants in the days before Logan was found.

Footage from 02:43 on 31 July showed Mr Cole and the youth, with Mr Cole carrying something in his arms.

The court heard he had admitted in a police interview that he was carrying Logan's body at the time.

CCTV also showed the light in Logan's room going on and off during the early hours of 31 July.

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Logan's body was found in the River Ogmore on 31 July 2021

All three are also accused of perverting the course of justice, including moving Logan's body to the river near Pandy Park, removing his clothing, washing bloodstained bed linen and making a false missing person report to police.

Ms Williamson and the youth pleaded not guilty to both offences, while Mr Cole admitted perverting the course of justice.

The two adults are also charged with causing or allowing the death of a child, which they both deny.

Last July, Logan was found with 56 "catastrophic" injuries, which were consistent with a fall from a great height or a car crash, the court previously heard.

The trial continues.

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