Queen Mother's car revealed by couple's detective work

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Trevor with his late wife Cheryl at the beachImage source, Family photo
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Trevor Lee buys and fixes classic cars, but said this one was for his late wife Cheryl

A Jaguar Daimler once owned by the Queen Mother will go on display after a couple's investigations revealed its royal origins.

Trevor Lee paid £2,000 for the DS420, knocking down its price when he worried he wouldn't make his money back.

But he and his late wife Cheryl could see it was longer than usual, and had no record of ever being taxed.

Cheryl was set on proving its history, until Jaguar "reluctantly confirmed" its distinguished former owner.

Since then Trevor has had large money offers for the luxury vehicle, but will take it to auction later this year.

Trevor said it wasn't about the money, but "all for Cheryl".

The Daimler will be on display on Saturday at the Markham District Sports and Community Centre in Blackwood, with all proceeds going to one of Cheryl's favourite charities, the RSPCA.

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Trevor bought the specially-adapted car for just £2,000 from a friend - who has since offered him almost 10 times the amount back

Trevor, who loves fixing up classic cars, negotiated its price down from £4,000 to £2,000 when he bought it from a friend in 2011. It had spent more than a decade sitting in a garage.

However, on closer inspection Trevor and Cheryl noticed the car was longer than a normal Daimler and, despite having done almost 45,000 miles, there was no record of its tax disc.

'Couldn't let it go'

Trevor said it "had all the hallmarks of a royal car," and that Cheryl "couldn't let it go".

After three weeks of phone calls, he said Jaguar finally confirmed that the car was produced for the Queen Mother in 1986, with the intention of it returning to their museum upon her death.

Jaguar told the couple the car was with the Queen Mother until 1991, after which the royal colours, black and burgundy, were removed for plain black.

It was then given to the mayor of the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames.

After the confirmation of its provenance, Trevor said his friend offered him £17,000 to buy it back.

"He wasn't best pleased when I said no," said Trevor.

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Daimler Jaguar have been specially modified for the Royal Family over the years, as with this one carrying the Queen in 1997

Trevor has always been a car buff, and when he married Cheryl she fell in love with them too.

"She went to college to be an electrical technician so she would do all the wiring and I'd work on the body," he said.

'Lost all motivation'

After 27 years together, she died from cancer in 2016, after which Trevor said he lost all motivation to fix up the car.

"We would see each other all day every day so it was really very hard [when she died].

"You know, you lost your partner, not just your partner, but your friend as well."

He said his daughter "pushed" him to keep the promise that he would finish it and he had to get special permission to change the exterior back to the ceremonial colours and embroideries, ready for auction.

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Trevor, pictured with his children, says his daughter Tina pushed him to finish the car for Cheryl

Trevor said some of what the car fetches at auction in Yorkshire will go to Cancer Research UK in honour of his wife. A similar car made £125,000, 25 years ago.

The rest of the money, he said, will help out his family and he would like to go on holiday.

"I don't know what this one is going to make. I have not got a clue," he said.

"A weekend in Yorkshire is enough for me."

Trevor said that without Cheryl "none of this would have been possible".

So when the car goes on display, he has insisted a picture of her sits on the bonnet - so that everyone knows.