Cost of Living: Christmas hampers demand spikes

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Volunteers making up hampers in a Swansea warehouse
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It is hoped the hampers will help about 2,000 families in Swansea and Neath Port Talbot

Delivery drivers have been left "close to tears" after dropping off Christmas crackers to one family.

The Everyone Deserves a Christmas appeal team in Swansea have collected and packed hampers for thousands of families struggling to afford Christmas amid the cost of living crisis.

The packages are described as a "lifeline" for many across the county.

Organisers said the economic crisis meant more people were finding it really difficult to make ends meet.

The appeal was launched seven years ago by MP Carolyn Harris and the demand for help is higher than organisers have ever known.

It started to help families feed their children during the summer holidays and it has now grown from making packed lunches in the kitchen, to taking over a vast warehouse space on the outskirts of Swansea to pack dozens of Christmas food hampers.

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Ms Harris said since launching the campaign seven years ago, the demand for support has increased

Ms Harris said: "This is tiring work, and every year we get more and more tired because there is more and more demand, but it's important and we know it is for a good cause.

"This year is it really tough for a lot of people out there, and we hope we can bring some joy to people."

The MP for Swansea East said, for the first time, she had now heard of people saying they could not afford to buy presents for their children and Christmas food.

"Older people are saying to us they can't afford their fuel bills and have a Christmas meal, so this will all be shared, and we hope to reach about 2,000 families."

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Volunteers from across the county help the cause, including players from Swansea City AFC

It is a community effort and volunteers helping to pack include footballers from Swansea City.

Paul France, head of Swansea City AFC Foundation, said: "We have a mission to the people of Swansea City as a force for positive change, and delivering projects like this really helps that."

Each hamper contains the ingredients for a full roast dinner, as well as a selection of festive treats, and costs about £50 to put together.

Every year, the appeal gets more referrals for people who need help, but this year they have faced the challenge of keeping up with demand along with the rising cost of the items in the hampers.

Volunteer Sarah Swinglehurst has been helping to put about 24 items in each hamper, including chocolates, cheese crackers, peanuts, mince pies and Christmas cake - "everything you need for Christmas".

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The hampers are described as a "lifeline" for many across Swansea

The hampers are not just being distributed in Swansea, but across Neath Port Talbot, with Aberavon MP Stephen Kinnock helping out.

"Everyone knows there are lots of people struggling to make ends meet, we really hope this will help them," he said.

People from all over Swansea have joined to help get everything ready, including Sue Lewis, who said she felt really good helping out.

"This will make a massive difference to a lot of families, those with young children especially, so it's really important, I think it's fantastic."