Conservative MP Virginia Crosbie sorry for lockdown event

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Virginia Crosbie
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Virginia Crosbie was allegedly the co-host of a drinks event when Covid restrictions were in place

A Conservative MP has apologised for attending an event in Parliament while Covid restrictions were in place.

The Guido Fawkes website, external reported that Virginia Crosbie, MP for Ynys Mon, was the co-host of a drinks event on December 8 2020.

The site quoted a WhatsApp message from Baroness Jenkin describing the event as "joint birthday drinks".

Ms Crosbie confirmed the event took place but said she had not sent out any invitations.

"Regarding reports of an event held on 8 December 2020 I would like to set out the facts," she said in a statement.

"The invitation for this event was not sent out by me. I attended the event briefly, I did not drink and I did not celebrate my birthday. I went home shortly after to be with my family.

"I apologise unreservedly for a momentary error of judgment in attending the event."

The event came under the spotlight when Boris Johnson criticised the Privileges Committee ahead of its damning report into his conduct and accused Sir Bernard Jenkin of "monstrous hypocrisy" for allegedly attending the event with his wife.

Ms Crosbie is a former parliamentary private secretary to ex-health secretary Matt Hancock.

At the time of the event, external, London was still under restrictions banning indoor mixing of people from different households.

The leader of Anglesey council leader, Plaid Cymru's, Llinos Medi, accused Ms Crosbie of showing "complete contempt towards the people she represents and for the laws she was partly responsible in creating".

"Under the circumstances, I would hope Ms Crosbie refers herself to the Metropolitan Police and to the Parliamentary Standards Commissioner so that they can investigate if the party was illegal and if any further action is necessary," she said.

The police force says it is assessing a report it received on 15 June "regarding media reporting of alleged breaches in Parliament on December 8 2020 in the Houses of Parliament".