Brexit: Welsh Government urged to appoint Leave adviser

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The Welsh Government should include politicians who campaigned for Brexit in its negotiations over withdrawal from the EU, according to the leader of the Welsh Conservatives.

Andrew RT Davies, a prominent Leave campaigner, said the Welsh Government had failed to reflect public opinion.

The Welsh Government said it saw "no merit" in appointing a Leave supporter to advise it in negotiations.

On Tuesday, AMs will debate the impact on Wales of the UK leaving the EU.

Prime Minister David Cameron said all the devolved governments would be involved in Brexit negotiations.

Conservative MP David Jones called for the first minister to appoint a Leave supporter to advise him on Wales' exit from the EU.


Mr Davies said, despite the expectations of many, "Wales has proven itself to be a Eurosceptic nation".

"As negotiations in relation to the UK's withdrawal from the EU continue, the Welsh Government must ensure public opinion is better reflected as part of this process."

He said the country needed "strong leadership that reflects the wishes of its people, and ensures the best deal for our country in this new era.

"That should include a role for those politicians of all parties who campaigned for a vote to leave."

In response to Mr Jones's suggestion, a Welsh Government spokesman said: "We don't see any merit in this idea.

"The Welsh Government will work through the consequences of the vote in good faith in the interests of the people of Wales."

Meanwhile Plaid Cymru leader Leanne Wood told BBC Wales she wanted to hold a special conference of Plaid Cymru members to decide where the party would go next and where Wales should go.

She has already proposed a new union of independent nations for the UK.

She said: "We want to keep the option open of remaining part of the European Union. We see our future as using pound sterling; we see the potential for pooling other functions, and that remains to be seen what they are.

"There's a discussion to be had between the different countries that make up the United Kingdom. We'll need to look at resources, the constitution.

"Everything has been thrown up in the air by last Thursday's vote."