Welsh Labour's programme for government
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The Welsh Government has outlined its priorities for the next five years. Here are some of the key pledges in more detail.

Child care

The detail: "Create the most generous childcare offer anywhere in the UK: 30 hours free childcare a week for working parents of three and four year olds, 48 weeks of the year"
The issues: Welsh Labour says it wants to offer free child care over 48 weeks to include the long summer holidays, unlike the 38 weeks offered in England and Scotland. At the time of the manifesto, it estimated the extra cost would be £84m a year, raising questions as to where the money will come from.


The detail: "Create a minimum of 100,000 high quality all-age apprenticeships"
The issues: Ministers estimated they created 93,000 apprenticeships over the previous five years, so not a big extra financial commitment.


The detail: "Invest an additional £100 million to drive up school standards over the next term"
The issues: Ministers are keen to see Wales improve its position in the international Pisa comparisons of literacy and numeracy. But Labour AM Jenny Rathbone has warned that plans to cut infant class sizes, part of a deal between Labour and Liberal Democrat Education Secretary Kirsty Williams, could "soak up" much of the money - £20m a year.

New treatment fund

The detail: "Introduce a New Treatment Fund to give people in Wales fast access to new and innovative treatments and work to end the postcode lottery for drugs and treatments not routinely available on the NHS"
The issues: Welsh Labour pledged in its manifesto to spend £16m a year on the fund. In July, Health Secretary Vaughan Gething said he expected it to be in place by December 2016 and provide 12 months of funding for new drugs that experts have agreed are cost effective. It will allow drugs to adopted more quickly before health boards take over paying for them.

Residential care

The detail: "More than double the capital people can keep when entering residential care to £50,000"
The issues: A report for the Welsh Government predicted this would cost £10m a year. Welsh Labour has been concerned at reports of many older people having to sell the family home or spend their life savings to pay for care, and wants them to keep more of their assets to pass onto their children. It has been estimated one in five people in residential care are paying for it themselves, and more than a quarter of those in nursing care.


The detail: "Deliver an M4 relief road, and improvements to the A55, the A40 in West Wales and other trunk roads"
The challenges: The M4 relief road has been controversial over the environmental and financial costs, now estimated at £1.1bn. Opponents, including Plaid Cymru, fear the project could swallow up any available cash, leaving nothing left to upgrade roads in north and west Wales. The minority Welsh Government will be hoping a deal can be done, if the project is approved after a public inquiry.


The detail: "Create a South Wales Metro and advance the development of a North Wales Metro system"
The challenges: Around £600m is due to be spent building an integrated public transport network of buses, trains and trams across south Wales over the next five years. Carwyn Jones has already warned that the timescale and scope of the network may change due to Brexit putting European funding of £150m in doubt. As for the newer idea of a North Wales Metro, Mr Jones has denied Plaid Cymru claims that it was announced as an election gimmick. But he has said it would be focused more on urban north east Wales than rural north west Wales, where he said different solutions would be needed.
- Published20 September 2016
- Published20 September 2016