Climate change: Wales ministers not at COP27 'to limit air miles'

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COP27Image source, Reuters

Welsh government ministers have decided not to attend the COP27 climate summit in Egypt in order to limit their air miles, the Senedd was told.

The climate change minister said she and the first minister thought "very seriously" about attending the event.

But Julie James has instead decided to attend December's COP15 on biodiversity in Canada.

Plaid Cymru asked whether it was a "missed" opportunity to raise Wales' voice.

Welsh Lib Dem Jane Dodds questioned why the Welsh government was going to the Qatar World Cup in light of the comments.

Speaking in the Senedd, Plaid Senedd member Delyth Jewell said the Welsh government takes climate change "very seriously" but questioned whether it was a missed opportunity "given that Wales' platform internationally is so great at the moment".

Ms Jewell drew attention to the Scottish first minister's presence at the summit, which is being held at Sharm El-Sheikh in Egypt.

Nicola Sturgeon has urged world leaders to deliver on climate pledges made at last year's COP26 summit in Glasgow.

Climate Change Minister Julie James said Welsh government officials are attending COP27.

But she decided against attending the summit because it is not an event where ministers will make policy decisions.

She said consideration had been given to ministers' "carbon footprint of going all over the place".

Ms James added: "We really thought about it and I did very seriously think about going but, on balance, we decided that... the COP15 ministerial attendance was very important."

But the minister said it was "disappointing" that Rishi Sunak had initially decided no to attend COP27 before reversing his decision last week.

The prime minister told the UN climate summit the war in Ukraine is a reason to act faster to tackle climate change.

Welsh Liberal Democrat Leader Jane Dodds said: "Why does the Welsh government consider going to COP27 an inappropriate use of air miles on the one hand, yet they are ploughing ahead on an inappropriate trip to Qatar on the other hand?

"The planned visit to Qatar by three Labour ministers is totally unnecessary and inappropriate. Welsh Labour must cancel their trip immediately and take a strong stance on human rights rather than seeking investment at any cost."