'Prolific' burglar caught on home security cameras

Security camera footage of a burglar who targeted nine houses in a single night has been released by police.

Sean Maher, 38, was seen approaching multiple properties in Bretton, Peterborough in August 2023, tripping over a wheelbarrow in a garden and riding a stolen mountain bike.

Maher, of Welford Place, Wittering, was jailed for three years after pleading guilty to seven counts of attempted burglary, two counts of burglary and one count of vehicle interference.

Det Sgt Rich Ellison from Cambridgeshire Police said: "Maher is a prolific offender with 24 previous convictions for burglaries, thefts and other similar offences dating as far back as 1999."

"He went house-to-house through Bretton one night trying to burgle people’s homes and, unfortunately, was successful in two of his attempts," he added.

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