Who are the 100 Women 2014?
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100 Women is back. Last year the BBC kick-started its pledge to represent women better in its international news output with the 100 Women season.
But this was just the start - and today the series returns.
This year's list has more scientists and more women working in the arts. And with more than a fifth of participants under the age of 25, these are not only women to take notice of now, but ones to watch in the future, too.
Some of our women have made headlines, such Obiageli Ezekwesili, the former Nigerian minister leading the global campaign to rescue the 250 children captured by militant Islamist group Boko Haram.
Women in war
Also new to the list this year is celebrated Austrian drag queen Conchita Wurst, who sparked a public outcry of love by spreading messages of tolerance after winning the Eurovision song contest in May.
We invited them to share their thoughts, experiences across three special days of output.
Please join our conversations about education, bringing up girls, women in science, entrepreneurship and women in war. We will be hearing from refugees who have built businesses in their new homes, as well as those leading soldiers on the frontline.
The conversation continues here on BBC News on radio, on television and online, bbc.co.uk/100women.
Join us on Facebook and Twitter, with the handle #100Women.
Top row (left to right)
Dr Yasmin Altwaijri Saudi mental health and obesity scientist
Conchita Wurst Singer, Austria @ConchitaWurst, external
Laura Bates Founder, Everyday Sexism project @EverydaySexism, external
Pinky Lilani Founder, Asian Women of Achievement Awards @pinkylilani, external
Ruby Chakravarti Women's rights campaigner, India
Susie Orbach, Psychotherapist @psychoanalysis, external
Pontso Mafethe Zimbabwean women's programme manager, Comic Relief@pontso_mafethe, external
Kate Shand Managing director of Enjoy Education @EnjoyEducation, external
Shappi Khorsandi Iranian-born British comedian @ShappiKhorsandi, external
Shazia Saleem Founder ieat Foods @shaziafsaleem, external
Second row (L to R)
Wai Wai Nu Director,Women Peace Net @WaiWaiNu, external
Michaela Bergman Chief Counsellor for Social Issues, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Paula Moreno Founder of peace foundation Manos Visibles @ManosVisibles, external
Rubana Huq Bangladeshi textile manufacturer @Rubanahuq, external
Lucy-Anne Holmes Founder, No More Page Three campaign, UK @LucyAnneHolmes, external
Brianna Stubbs Rower for Great Britain @BriannaStubbs, external
Matilda Tristam Comics writer @Colonoclast, external
Nigar Nazar Pakistani cartoonist@NigarNazar, external
Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy Pakistani documentary film-maker @sharmeenochinoy, external
Uldus Bakhtiozina Russian photographer @Y_Bakhtiozina, external
Third row (L to R)
Prof Lesley Yellowlees First female president, Royal Chemistry Society
Rebecca Gomperts Founder, Women on Waves @rebeccagomperts, external
Dr Katherine Brown Academic, Kings College London
Emily Kasyoka Boxer, Kenya
Aowen Jin Chinese-born British artist @aowenjin, external
Eliza Rebeiro Founder of Lives not Knives @livesnotknives, external
Muge Iplikci Turkish journalist
Natumanya Sarah Educator @NatumanyaSarah, external
Linda Tirado Campaigner @KillerMartinis, external
Alice Hagan Technician at healthcare company BTG @alicehagan, external
Fourth row (L to R)
May Tha Hla Burmese food aid social worker
Rainatou Sow Founder of Make Every Woman Count
Justa Canaviri Celebrity chef, Bolivia
Heather Jackson Women's business campaigner @jackson_heather, external
Ruby Wax Mental health campaigner and comic @Rubywax, external
Umm Ahmed Sole provider for her family, Iraq
Xiaolu Guo Chinese novelist and film-maker
Hind Hobeika Founder of Instabeat, Lebanon
Molly Case Student nurse and Women of the Future Ambassador @RI_Macey, external
Dr Joyce Banda Former president of Malawi
Fifth row (L to R)
Saadia Zahidi World Economic Forum @zahidi, external
Aditi Mittal Indian stand-up comedian @awryaditi, external
Jess Butcher Co-founder of Blippar @jessbutcher, external
Farah Mohamed Girls 20 summit founder @FarahMohamed007, external
Katy Tuncer Founder, Ready Steady Mums @KatyTuncer, external
Smruti Sriram Founder, Wings of Hope & Achievement Awards @Smruti_Sriram, external
Darshan Karki Opinion-piece editor at Kathmandu Post daily, Nepal blogger @drshn_, external
Brooke Magnanti US anthropologist, author, former sex worker @bmagnanti, external
Chipo Chung Chinese-Zimbabwean actor and activist @chipochung, external
Pinar Ogunc Journalist writing about women's issues and the Kurdish political movement @pinarbihter, external
Kurdish political movement
Sixth row (L to R)
Sabina Kurgunayeva Footballer who also runs her own bicycle rental business in Azerbaijan
Kate Wilson Founder of independent children's book publisher in UK @NosyCrow, external
Betty Lalam Director of women's community organisation, Northern Uganda
Arabella Dorman War artist
Andy Kawa Businesswoman and social entrepreneur @KwaneleEnuf, external
Bahia Shehab Egyptian artist, designer and art historian
Divya Sharma Indian science student @SharmaDivya23, external
Jocelyn Bell Burnell Scientist who discovered Pulsars
Eleni Antoniadou Co-Founder Transplants Without Donors @eleni_nasa, external
Shelina Zahara Janmohammed Blogger, columnist and author @loveinheadscarf, external
Seventh row (L to R)
Salinee Tavaranan Thai engineer and social entrepreneur
Hatoon Kadi Saudi Arabian comedian @HatoonKadi, external
Brie Rogers Lowery UK Director of Change.org @brie_rl, external
Balvinder Saund Chair of Women's Sikh Alliance, UK
Cora Sherlock Pro-life campaigner and blogger in Ireland @CoraSherlock, external
Alaa Murabit Founder, The Voice of Libyan Women @almmura, external
Bushra El-Turk British-Lebanese composer for London Symphony Orchestra @bushraelturk, external
Kim Winser Founder, Winser London
Arzu Geybulla Azeri blogger @arzugeybulla, external
Judith Webb First female commander of an all-male British Army squadron@sjbwebb, external
Eighth row (L to R)
Sarah Hesterman Equal rights campaigner in Qatar
Sana Saleem Pakistani campaigner against Internet censorship @sanasaleem, external
Asma Mansour Co-founder of Tunisian Centre for Social Entrepreneurship @mansour_asma, external
Diana Nammi Kurdish women's rights campaigner against "honour" killing
Funmi Iyanda Talk show host, journalist, activist in Nigeria @Funmilola, external
Karen Masters Scientist at the Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation @KarenLMasters, external
Khuloud Alsaba Syrian researcher and public health worker @KhuloudSaba, external
Yolanda Wang Yixuan Women's rights campaigner in China
Ayesha Mustafa Founder and director of FashionComPassion.co.uk
Obiageli Ezekwesili Former World Bank Vice President for Africa and Former Minister for Education, Nigeria @obyezeks, external
Ninth row (L to R)
Tehmina Kazi Director of British Muslims for Secular Democracy
Sophi Tranchell Head of Divine Chocolate @divinechocolate, external
Boghuma Kabisen Titanji Virologist and campaigner for ethical medical research in Cameroon @Boghuma, external
Dwi Rubiyanti Kholifah Women's movement leader in Indonesia
Anjali Ramachandran Head of Innovation at PHD @anjali28, external
Yas Necati Campaigner for better sex education @YasNecati, external
Yeonmi Park Activist raising awareness of the plight of her people in North Korea@YeonmiParkNK, external
Irene Li Citizen journalist who took part in and documented protests in Hong Kong
Sandee Pyne Chief executive of Community Partner's International, focused on aid in Myanmar
Temie Giwa Founder of the One Percent Project, facilitating blood donation in Nigeria @temite, external
Tenth row (L to R)
Kavita Krishnan Secretary, All India Progressive Women's Association @kavita_krishnan, external
Sarah Jehaan Khan Pakistani filmmaker and campaigner
Nicky Moffat Highest Ranked woman in British Armed Forces
Alice Powell Racing driver and first female to win a Formula Renault Championship @alicepowell, external
Misty Haith Research Engineer at Imperial College London
Sally Sabry Businesswoman in Egypt
Kate Smurthwaite British comedian and activist @Cruella1, external
Susana Lopez Mexican virologist specialising in rotavirus
Jaya Luintel Journalist and women's rights advocate from Nepal
Nicola Sturgeon First Minister of Scotland @NicolaSturgeon, external
Not pictured
Caroline Neill Worked with the military in Syria, Baghdad, Gaza and Africa hotspots
Arine Renawai Palestinian photo journalist and entrepreneur
- Published26 October 2014
- Published26 October 2014