Who are Indonesia's election rivals?

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Indonesian Presidential candidates Prabowo Subianto (R) and Joko Widodo (L) at the General Election Commission office in Jakarta on 1 June 2014Image source, AP
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Prabowo Subianto (R) and Joko Widodo (L) fought a tight election race - and both say they won

On 9 July Indonesians voted in their third direct presidential election since the nation moved from dictatorship to democracy 16 years ago.

Voters chose between two candidates - Joko Widodo and Prabowo Subianto. On election day both claimed victory - and now the nation is waiting to hear the official results tallied by the Election Commission.

Profile: Joko Widodo

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Mr Widodo (centre) enjoys huge support from Indonesian youth and social media users

Joko Widodo - known here as Jokowi - is a popular figure with the public, supported by young people in both urban and rural areas who see him as a clean politician in a country beset by corruption.

Mr Widodo began his political career with the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) when he was elected mayor of Solo - a city in the centre of Java - in 2005.

In 2010, he was elected for second term with more than 90% of the vote, as people supported his policies aimed at boosting small and local businesses.

He rebuilt traditional markets and relocated poor people who lived on the river banks to proper houses.

He then captured national attention when he traded in his regular car for an Esemka - a local vehicle manufactured by a high school team in Solo.

Mr Widodo then went on to run for the position of Jakarta's governor, winning a resounding victory in 2012. He is seen as a man who has the ability to empathise with the poor.

"For me, democracy means listening to the people, and doing what they want me to do," he said during the first televised presidential debate.

"That's why I visit the villages, traditional markets, meet the people in river banks, farmers and fisherman, because I want to hear what people want."

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Critics ask whether Mr Widodo could govern effectively without strong parliamentary backing

Mr Widodo is famous for his "blusukan" stops - spontaneous visits and spot checks to poor areas to see how people are doing.

Shaky base?

He has been campaigning on a platform of a "mind-set revolution" - a strategy to build national character, stamping out corruption, nepotism and intolerance, all of which he says flourished under former leader Suharto's regime.

Mr Widodo has repeatedly said he will recruit his staff based on their skills, not just from political parties that supported him. He also says that the key to building national character is education.

A big proponent of technology, he has said that if elected he would implement e-governance as a way of reducing corruption in the bureaucracy.

Critics say that he lacks experience in national politics and international relations.

Analysts also point out that with his coalition holding only 37% of parliamentary seats, Mr Widodo could face difficulties achieving his policy goals if elected.

Born in 1961 in Solo, the son of a wood-seller spent his childhood in a house on a river bank until the local government evicted his family. Observers point to these humble beginnings as key to his popularity.

Mr Widodo's running mate, Jusuf Kalla, is a senior politician who was vice-president under Mr Yudhoyono during the latter's presidency from 2004 to 2009. He currently serves as chairman of Indonesia's Red Cross.

Profile: Prabowo Subianto

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The public sees Mr Subianto (centre) as a convincing campaigner and a decisive man

Prabowo Subianto is a former special forces general and the son-in-law of late dictator Suharto. He has been dogged by allegations of human rights abuses committed under Suharto.

The son of a trade minister in the Suharto era, he was firmly part of the political and military elite.

As a young man he joined the army and rose fast, commanding a special forces unit in East Timor in the 1980s in a bloody conflict with separatists.

In the final days of Suharto's regime in 1997 and 1998, the unit which he commanded is accused of kidnapping, torturing and killing activists protesting against Suharto.

He was subsequently dismissed from his army command.

Repeatedly pressed on this issue during the campaign, he has maintained his innocence, saying he was acting on the orders of his superiors.

"As soldiers, we did our duty as best as we could," he said in one of the presidential debates. "It was my superiors who told me what to do."

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Rights activists like Mugiyanto (L) say there are unanswered questions about the missing activists

Mr Subianto is also accused of a role in inciting deadly riots in Jakarta in May 1998 as the regime fell. He has consistently denied that he had anything to do with that.

Coalition candidate

After spending many years overseas, Mr Subianto made a comeback in Indonesian politics in 2009.

He founded The Great Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra) and stood as Megawati Sukarnoputri's running mate in the 2009 presidential election.

His team lost, but after the polls Mr Subianto did not give up on his political ambitions. He joined the Indonesian farmers' association and became a campaigner for the poor.

He has been campaigning on a pro-poor platform and says he wants to reduce unemployment, creating new jobs on farms.

The public see Mr Subianto as a convincing campaigner and a decisive man with good knowledge of defence, because of his military background.

He has huge support from media tycoons who own large networks in television, print and radio across the archipelago.

In the 2014 parliamentary elections, his party Gerindra gained 11.81% of votes. According to the law a party can only nominate its own presidential candidate if it wins 25% of national votes or 20% of seats in parliament.

Mr Subianto was therefore forced to build a coalition with Suharto's political vehicle Golkar, the Democrat Party led by Mr Yudhoyono and three other Islamist parties to ensure he would have the support of a majority in parliament.

If elected, his relationship with Washington could prove tricky - he is reported to have been denied a visa to the US in the past, because of the rights allegations.

He is running with Hatta Rajasa, a former minister of economic affairs under Mr Yudhoyono.