The massive scale of Australia's election

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To get from Sydney to Perth, you need to travel due west for 3,298km (2,049 miles) - further than the distance from London to Moscow, 2,509km.

This creates many challenges for Australia's federal election on 2 July, particularly in sparsely populated areas. The infographics below give a sense of the scale of politics in Australia, starting with Durack constituency, population 177,000.

Durack is Australia's largest electorate at 1,629,868sq km
Ross, Skye and Lochaber, the UK's biggest constituency, could fit into Durack 135 times
Wyndham is 2,033km away from the Durack electoral office in Geraldton
Lingari has 4.6 voters and 7.4 crocodiles per 100sq km
The Victorian Senate ballot paper is 1m long, slightly shorter than the average five year old
Australia has a high voter turnout with 93.2% of eligible constituents voting at the last election
Graphic of Australia's party logos