In pictures: Olère art depicts Auschwitz horrors

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Olère painting showing himself as inmate (courtesy of Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial)Image source,
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A Polish-French Jew, David Olère, painted Auschwitz death camp scenes after surviving the horrors there. This is a self-portrait.

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The Auschwitz Memorial in southern Poland has acquired 18 Olère paintings. Nazi Germany murdered about one million Jews and 100,000 non-Jews at the Auschwitz complex.

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Deported to the camp from Paris in 1943, Olère was forced into the Sonderkommando - a unit which collected corpses after gassing.

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Olère shows the cruel Nazi slogan "work makes you free" and a crematorium chimney. He died in France in 1985 aged 83.

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The artist's works are valued for helping to document the Holocaust. Poland's culture ministry bought the 18 works, the world's largest Olère collection.

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