Man caught dealing cocaine in Douglas alleyway jailed

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Isle of Man Courts of Justice
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William Giddins was jailed at Douglas Courthouse

A man who was caught dealing cocaine in an alleyway in the Isle of Man's capital has been jailed for three years and 11 months.

William Giddins was seen trying to hand a plastic wrapper to another man while the pair were standing in a doorway in the early hours of 25 June.

Police also found cannabis on the 21-year-old when he was searched.

Douglas Courthouse heard he admitted he had been selling both drugs for some time.

Giddins, of Campion Crescent in Peel, was seen with the other man in a doorway of a shop in an alley off Howard Street at about 02:20 BST by police officers who were patrolling the area.

When questioned by police he said he was "just giving him a bit of cocaine".

A search of his bedroom uncovered a rucksack under his desk which contained snap bags and digital scales.

'Good upbringing'

The 21-year-old initially admitted taking drugs but denied selling them.

However, after his finances were questioned, he told police he had been dealing cocaine for several weeks and cannabis for several months.

Prosecutors said the cocaine sold had a street value of £2,800, while the cannabis sold was worth up to £9,680, but Giddins was a "low level street dealer" who had not profited "significantly".

The court heard he had also been caught with small amounts of ketamine and cocaine on 12 February, while on bail.

He pleaded guilty to being concerned in the supply of cocaine, being concerned in the supply of cannabis, possession of cocaine, and possession of ketamine.

His defence advocate said Giddins was "naive" and had not known what he was getting into, but ultimately had "brought this upon himself".

Deemster Graeme Cook said Giddins had come from a "good upbringing" and his actions had amounted to "stupidity".

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