US election 2016: Meet the candidates
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The field of candidates having a White House run in 2016 is a wide one, although it's narrowing by the weeks. Here is a rundown of who is, was and might be.

Donald Trump
outspoken billionaire business mogul
estimated net worth of nearly $9bn
leads the polls nationally and wins in New Hampshire and South Carolina
a string of controversies include calling on a Muslim ban to US
accused Mexican immigrants of being criminals and rapists

Ted Cruz
Texas senator and conservative firebrand
gave up Canadian dual citizenship in 2014
shot to fame in 2014 by speaking in Senate for 21 hours against Obama healthcare law
won in Iowa, where he has huge evangelical support

John Kasich
currently two-term governor of Ohio
former member of the House of Representatives
record of fiscal conservatism and experience with national security
focus on Christian faith for policy-making
US Senator Marco Rubio: America "is divided on many political issues"
Marco Rubio - DROPPED OUT
Florida senator since 2011
born in Miami to Cuban immigrants
his part in a bipartisan immigration reform package has cost him some right-wing support
conservative on fiscal and social issues

Ben Carson - DROPPED OUT
author and neurosurgeon
became a popular conservative figure after National Prayer Breakfast speech in 2013
has likened Obamacare to slavery and doesn't believe in evolution
spent a few weeks atop the polls with Trump but since faded

brother to one ex-president, son of another
was Florida governor for eight years
has large war chest with Wall Street backing
criticised for a lacklustre campaign but more feisty in recent weeks

Carly Fiorina - DROPPED OUT
former boss of Hewlett Packard and executive at AT&T
was on cover of Fortune's Most Powerful Women issue in 1998
says she's running because federal government needs fixing
enjoyed some stand-out debate moments but only has single-digit support

Chris Christie - DROPPED OUT
lawyer from Newark, New Jersey
was a US federal attorney, now New Jersey governor
moderate Republican with an abrasive edge
unafraid of reaching across aisle in interests of New Jersey

Scott Walker - DROPPED OUT
governor of Wisconsin
battled unions over bargaining rights and survived recall election
has qualities that appeal to both Republican establishment and Tea Party
scores well in Iowa and is considered by many as dark horse

Lindsey Graham - DROPPED OUT
has extensive foreign policy experience, chairing several Senate subcommittees related to security
spent 30 years in the Air Force Reserve
advocate for Second Amendment rights
calls President Barack Obama's foreign policy tactics "a failure"

Mike Huckabee - DROPPED OUT
former governor of Arkansas
ordained Southern Baptist minister and social conservative
unsuccessfully ran for nomination in 2008, but won Iowa caucus
raised eyebrows recently when he labelled Beyonce's music as "mental poison"

Bobby Jindal - DROPPED OUT
governor of Louisiana
recently said Rand Paul is "unsuited" to be commander in chief
says he is tough on terrorism and "radical Islam"
served in George W. Bush's administration in the Department of Health and Human Services

George Pataki - DROPPED OUT
former three-term governor of New York
only supporter of abortion rights in Republican field
advocate for gay rights
compared to New York Republican Rudy Giuliani, who did not do well in last presidential race

an ophthalmologist and Kentucky senator
a libertarian and Republican, also son of Ron Paul, who ran for president several times
attacked by some in his party as being isolationist on foreign policy
has testy relationship with senior party figures like John McCain and Mitch McConnell

Rick Perry - DROPPED OUT
Texas governor from 2000 to 2015
supported anti-sodomy laws and gun rights
2012 White House campaign ran aground when he suffered a blank in a TV debate
indicted by a grand jury in 2014 on state corruption charges

Rick Santorum - DROPPED OUT
Christian conservative from Pennsylvania
second time running for president
strong emphasis on traditional families, anti-gay marriage and anti-abortion
talked about supporting middle-class working families in announcement speech


Hillary Clinton
former First Lady and Secretary of State
has stumbled amid a scandal involving her use of private email
lost a bruising primary in 2008 to Obama
few experts see her being denied Democratic nomination

Bernie Sanders
independent senator from Vermont, caucuses with the Democrats
identifies as democratic socialist, has been in Congress for more than 20 years
critic of current campaign finance system, including Citizens United decision
polling well in New Hampshire but dominance of national security as an issue does not suit him

Martin O'Malley - DROPPED OUT
former governor of Maryland and mayor of Baltimore
has called for stronger regulation of Wall Street
performed well in Democratic debates but failed to make an impression in polls
been very critical of "demagogue" Donald Trump

Lincoln Chafee - DROPPED OUT
former senator and governor of Rhode Island
was a Republican, then an independent, now Democrat
backs same-sex marriage, higher minimum wage and tax increases on the rich
was the only Republican senator to vote against Iraq invasion

former Virginia senator and US Secretary of Navy
author and war novelist
Vietnam veteran
campaigned for Senate wearing the boots his son wore in the Iraq war

Vice-President of the United States
former long-time senator with foreign policy and infrastructure focus
known for off-the-cuff remarks and sometimes over-familiar public presence
would be 73 on Election Day 2016