Biden: Trump 'despicable' for invoking George Floyd

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Trump: 'Hopefully George is looking down right now and saying this is a great thing that’s happening'

US President Donald Trump has been condemned by his Democratic challenger Joe Biden for invoking George Floyd's name as he touted US jobs figures.

Mr Trump said Mr Floyd, an unarmed black man who died in police custody in Minneapolis, is "looking down" and "saying this is a great day".

Mr Biden, who has now formally clinched the Democratic presidential nomination, said the remark was "despicable".

Mr Trump spoke while celebrating a surprise US jobs rebound.

In his speech, the president called for "equal justice under the law".

Mr Floyd, who was unarmed and in handcuffs, died on 25 May after a policeman knelt on his neck for nearly nine minutes. The officer involved was charged with murder and three colleagues stand accused of aiding and abetting.

The death triggered protests against racial discrimination across the US and world. On Friday, Minneapolis banned the police neck restraint seen in the video of Mr Floyd's death, and California pledged to follow suit.

What did Trump say?

Speaking in the White House Rose Garden on Friday, Mr Trump said: "Equal justice under the law must mean that every American receives equal treatment in every encounter with law enforcement regardless of race, colour, gender or creed.

"They have to receive fair treatment from law enforcement. They have to receive it.

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"It doesn't matter which skin colour you have"

"We all saw what happened last week. We can't let that happen.

"Hopefully George is looking down and saying this is a great thing that's happening for our country. A great day for him. It's a great day for everybody."

Mr Trump, a Republican, added: "This is a great, great day in terms of equality."

The president's critics said he was crassly suggesting Mr Floyd would be posthumously celebrating positive jobs figures.

Mr Trump's defenders said the context of his comments make clear he was referring to his call for equal treatment of all Americans by police.

More on George Floyd's death

What did Biden say?

The Democratic presidential candidate hit back during a campaign speech in Dover, Delaware.

He said: "George Floyd's last words, 'I can't breathe, I can't breathe' echoed all across this nation and quite frankly around the world.

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"Fifty plus years later we're still dealing with the same thing"

"For the president to try to put any other words in the mouth of George Floyd I frankly think is despicable."

Mr Biden, a former US vice-president, has been sharpening his attacks on Mr Trump as the 3 November White House election looms.

While campaigning in his home state of Delaware on Thursday night, he said Mr Trump brings out the "worst" of some Americans and "there are probably anywhere from 10 to 15 percent of the people out there, they're just not very good people".

On Friday, Mr Biden secured the 1,991 delegates he needed to be chosen as nominee at the Democratic party's national convention, US media reported. This happened after presidential primaries in seven states and the District of Columbia.

"I am going to spend every day between now and 3 November fighting to earn the votes of Americans all across this great country," Mr Biden said.

What do the job figures show?

The latest US monthly jobs report on Friday showed employers added 2.5 million jobs, defying economists' predictions of further decline.

For black workers, however, the unemployment rate crept upwards from 16.7% to 16.8%.

The losses from the coronavirus pandemic have hit minority and low-wage workers hardest.

The Hispanic unemployment rate declined in April from 18.5% to 17.2%. And it fell among white workers to 12.4% from 13.8%.

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The two-block long mural reading "Black Lives Matter" was painted overnight outside the White House

Who's banning police neck restraints?

The Minneapolis City Council and the Minnesota Department of Human Rights on Friday agreed to ban police neck restraints and chokeholds.

The new policy, which will be enforceable in court, requires any officer regardless of rank to verbally and physically intervene if they witness a colleague using such unauthorised force.

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"I remember George Floyd as me"

California's Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom said on Friday he would move to end state police training in the use of the "carotid restraint".

San Diego Police Department banned the technique this week in response to the nationwide uproar over events in Minneapolis.

Officials in New York, San Francisco, Chicago and Los Angeles have all previously taken steps to ban or limit the use of chokeholds by members of their police departments.

US protests timeline

George Floyd dies after police arrest

Tributes to George Floyd at a makeshift memorial
Image caption Tributes to George Floyd at a makeshift memorial Image copyright by Getty Images

George Floyd dies after being arrested by police outside a shop in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Footage shows a white officer, Derek Chauvin, kneeling on Mr Floyd’s neck for several minutes while he is pinned to the floor. Mr Floyd is heard repeatedly saying "I can’t breathe". He is pronounced dead later in hospital.

Protests begin

Demonstrators in Minneapolis
Image caption Demonstrators in Minneapolis Image copyright by AFP

Four officers involved in the arrest of George Floyd are fired. Protests begin as the video of the arrest is shared widely on social media. Hundreds of demonstrators take to the streets of Minneapolis and vandalise police cars and the police station with graffiti.

Protests spread

Protesters lie on the streets in Portland, Oregon
Image caption Protesters lie on the streets in Portland, Oregon Image copyright by Reuters

Protests spread to other cities including Memphis and Los Angeles. In some places, like Portland, Oregon, protesters lie in the road, chanting "I can’t breathe". Demonstrators again gather around the police station in Minneapolis where the officers involved in George Floyd’s arrest were based and set fire to it. The building is evacuated and police retreat.

Trump tweets

President Trump tweets about the unrest
Image caption President Trump tweets about the unrest Image copyright by Reuters

President Trump blames the violence on a lack of leadership in Minneapolis and threatens to send in the National Guard in a tweet.  He follows it up in a second tweet with a warning "when the looting starts, the shooting starts". The second tweet is hidden by Twitter for "glorifying violence".

CNN reporter arrested

Members of a CNN crew are arrested at a protest
Image caption Members of a CNN crew are arrested at a protest Image copyright by Reuters

A CNN reporter, Omar Jimenez, is arrested while covering the Minneapolis protest. Mr Jimenez was reporting live when police officers handcuffed him. A few minutes later several of his colleagues are also arrested. They are all later released once they are confirmed to be members of the media.

Derek Chauvin charged with murder

Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin after being charged over the death of George Floyd
Image caption Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin after being charged over the death of George Floyd Image copyright by Getty Images

Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, 44, is charged with murder and manslaughter. The charges carry a combined maximum 35-year sentence.

Sixth night of protests

Demonstrators set fire to rubbish in New York
Image caption Demonstrators set fire to rubbish in New York Image copyright by Reuters

Violence spreads across the US on the sixth night of protests. A total of at least five people are reported killed in protests from Indianapolis to Chicago. More than 75 cities have seen protests. At least 4,400 people have been arrested.  Curfews are imposed across the US to try to stem the unrest.

Trump threatens military response

Trump posing with a Bible outside a boarded-up church
Image caption Trump posing with a Bible outside a boarded-up church Image copyright by EPA

President Trump threatens to send in the military to quell growing civil unrest. He says if cities and states fail to control the protests and "defend their residents" he will deploy the army and "quickly solve the problem for them". Mr Trump poses in front of a damaged church shortly after police used tear gas to disperse peaceful protesters nearby.

Eighth night of protests

George Floyd’s family joined protesters in Houston
Image caption George Floyd’s family joined protesters in Houston Image copyright by Getty

Tens of thousands of protesters again take to the streets. One of the biggest protests is in George Floyd’s hometown of Houston, Texas. Many defy curfews in several cities, but the demonstrations are largely peaceful.

Memorial service for George Floyd

Mourners gather to remember George Floyd
Image caption Mourners gather to remember George Floyd Image copyright by Getty

A memorial service for George Floyd is held in Minneapolis.  Those gathered in tribute stand in silence for eight minutes, 46 seconds, the amount of time Mr Floyd is alleged to have been on the ground under arrest. Hundreds attended the service, which heard a eulogy from civil rights activist Rev Al Sharpton.

International protests

Protester addresses crowds in Australia
Image caption Protester addresses crowds in Australia Image copyright by Getty

As the US saw another weekend of protests, with tens of thousands marching in Washington DC, anti-racism demonstrations were held around the world.

In Australia, there were major protests in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane that focused on the treatment of indigenous Australians. There were also demonstrations in France, Germany, Spain and the UK. In Bristol, protesters tore down the statue of a 17th century slave trader and threw it into the harbour.

Funeral service for George Floyd

Pallbearers bring the coffin into the church
Image caption Pallbearers bring the coffin into the church Image copyright by Getty

A funeral service for George Floyd is held in Houston, Mr Floyd’s home town. Just over two weeks after his death in Minneapolis and worldwide anti-racism protests, about 500 guests invited by the Floyd family are in attendance at the Fountain of Praise Church.  Many more gather outside to show their support.