Capybara triplets born at Chester Zoo
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Chester Zoo is celebrating the pitter-patter of tiny feet... and lots of them! Three newborn Capybara babies have been born.

The little cuties are just a month old and won't stay this small for long. Capybaras are the world's largest rodents and will soon grow to be bigger than a cat.

The triplets are being looked after by mum Lily and dad Mordon. This isn't the first time Lily has had triplets. Tim Rowlands from Chester Zoo said: "Triplets are a handful for any mum but Lily knows what she is doing."

Capybaras are native to South America. They are especially good at swimming and have webbed feet to help them paddle.

A fully grown Capybara can be almost 1.5metres long and weigh up to 60kg.

The babies have been given a clean bill of health from the zoo vets. Now they've been weighed the zookeepers will have to think of some names for them!