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Pictures: Take a trip through our Solar System

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Solar SystemImage source, Science Photo Library
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Computer artwork of the planets from left to right; Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and the dwarf planet Pluto

Nasa's New Horizons space probe is sending back the most detailed images of Pluto ever seen.

See NASA's latest pictures of Pluto

For more than 70 years, it was one of nine planets recognised in our Solar System, but it is now classed as a dwarf planet.

Take a journey through the planets and Pluto, with these images captured by the spacecrafts sent out to explore.

Mercury (NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of Washington)Image source, NASA
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An enhanced image of Mercury shows the differences between the rock on the surface.

Computer generated image of VenusImage source, Magellan Project/JPL/NASA
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The surface of Venus is shown in a computer-generated picture based on images from the Magellan orbiter in the 1990s, with colours added using information from the Soviet Venera 13 and 14 landers.

Earth from the MoonImage source, NASA/ap
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The Earth, as seen by the crew of Apollo 11 in July 1969.

Colour-enhanced fish-eye view of Mars made from a mosaic of images taken by Viking OrbiterImage source, SPL
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A colour-enhanced fish-eye view of Mars, made from a mosaic of images taken by a Viking orbiter

JupiterImage source, NASA, ESA, and A. Simon
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Jupiter, the largest of the planets, was captured by Hubble's Wide Field Camera Three.

SaturnImage source, NASA/ESA/AP
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Combined images taken by the Cassini spacecraft in May 2004 shows a wide view of Saturn.

UranusImage source, NASA/jpl
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Nasa's Voyager 2 spacecraft flew past Uranus, the seventh planet from the Sun, in January 1986.

NeptuneImage source, NASA/JPL
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Neptune, as seen from Voyager 2's camera. The picture was taken at a range of 4.4 million miles and shows the Great Dark Spot and its bright smudge.

PlutoImage source, NASA
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The most detailed view of Pluto yet seen has been taken by the New Horizons spacecraft. The latest data has provided more information on the size of Pluto. It is a little bigger than expected, about 80km wider than previous predictions, making it around two-thirds the size of our moon.