Christmas toys: Games and toy crazes through the years
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This humble little toy proved insanely popular in 1980 when it began being marketed, and by 1983 it is estimated that 200 million Rubik's Cubes were sold worldwide.

Back in 1985, Optimus Prime was the top Christmas present contender. And Trivial Pursuit was the 'Game of the Year'. Transformers toys topped the best-selling list again in 1986 and, despite a shortage, loads of kids were Optimus-tic of finding one in their stocking.

Sylvanian Families scored a hat-trick, winning 'Toy of the Year' in 1987, 88 and 89! They celebrated their 30th birthday last year and you can still find them in stores today. Furry-tastic!

The Nintendo Game Boy was the most popular toy in 1991. The original only came in grey casing but they did update it, making it smaller and more colourful. Pokemon games were massive on this chunky, hand-held console. Kong-ratulations if you still have one!

The release of the first Toy Story film made Buzz Lightyear one of the most sought-after Christmas presents in 1996 and there have been a few more films since... Here's Buzz making a comeback in 2010, when Toy Story 3 hit the cinemas. If he can go to infinity and beyond, we're not sure you'd need three of him!

Tamagotchis are described as being like virtual Hatchimals. This gold one is from 2004 but they were a big hitter back in 1997. Some schools banned Tamagotchis because pupils were more interested in looking after their digital pet than lessons... Tama-gotcha!

And finally, The Furby. It became the most popular present in 1998 but you might have seen it in store more recently. There were new and improved Furbies released in 2005, and again in 2012, with new ones still being released today.

The hot holiday gift in 2002 were Beyblades, spinning top toys used by kids around the world! They had "Beybattles" in the playground to see who would be crowned champion - but after the peak of 2002 they fell in popularity.

If you're a Muppets or Sesame Street fan you're sure to recognise Elmo! He's been a fave Christmas toy in quite a few years, but in 2011 it was Let's Rock Elmo that kids had on their Christmas lists. He came with a mic, tambourine and drum set - and could also sing six songs.

After the film Frozen was released in 2014 unsurprisingly lots of kids wanted Elsa dolls - with Disney's Frozen Snow Glow Elsa, and Sparkle Doll named one of the top Dream Toys at the Dream Toys of the year.

BB8 from the Star Wars films also became the most popular toy in the Christmas period of 2015 and was packed full of features including voice-control.

In 2016 Hatchimals were the toy everyone wanted to get hold of for Christmas. Each egg had an 'interactive magical creature' that needs to be loved and cared for before it can hatch, and was so popular many shops have sold out!

L.O.L dolls came out in 2016 and continued to rise in popularity but it was the Surprise! 2-in-1 Glamper sat set Christmas list alight in 2019, causing plenty of hype in the run-up to Christmas.
- Published17 May 2016
- Published13 January 2016
- Published6 December 2022
- Published12 December 2014