Weird food: Kim Kardashian likes nuggets with honey

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Kim-Kardashian's-twitter.Image source, Twitter/@KimKardashian

Kim Kardashian-West has revealed that her dipping sauce of choice when it comes to chicken nuggets is... honey!

Now if that made you go 'eww' or 'mmm' head to the comments below to let us know.

After McDonalds revealed the eating habits of several celebrities, Kim-K admitted her weird food combo and claims honey is the 'only way' to eat nuggs. However, we would beg to differ - there's the normal way - and that's with ketchup!

It seems Kim Kardashian isn't the only celebrity fan of quirky food. Talking of ketchup...

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Ed Sheeran

Just Thinking Out Loud, but is keeping a bottle of ketchup on your person at all times weird? Well Ed Sheeran like ketchup a lot, like really a lot.

Not only does he keep a bottle at all times for emergencies, he even has a tattoo of the red sauce too. Heinz, who make ketchup, even made a special Ed Sheeran-styled bottle. We guess they called it 'Ed sauce'.

Ketchup obsessions don't end there. When Beyonce was pregnant with her first child she had some strange cravings including dipping bananas in ketchup. Yum!

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Selena Gomez likes a very unusual popcorn flavour

Selena Gomez

Popcorn comes in lots of flavours, sweet, salted, toffee, butter. All very normal. What's not very normal for popcorn is combining it with pickle juice.

So let's take this in, Selena Gomez likes to put pickle juice on her popcorn.

She calls this creation "Texas-style" popcorn, and she loves it.

Image source, Getty Images

Theresa May

As if Theresa May hasn't been in enough of a jam having to deal with Brexit and leaving her job as prime minister, she also has questionable taste when it comes to actual jam - the kind that comes in jars.

So here it is, Theresa May likes mouldy jam.

Don't worry she doesn't eat the mould, that would be weird. Mrs May just doesn't like to throw jam away, so she scrapes the mould off the top. As good as new... Kind of.

Image source, BBC Radio 1

A girl called Fearn who called Stormzy on Radio 1

Stormzy isn't a fan of weird foods (as far as we know), but he didn't want to crush the dreams of Fearn, a girl who rang up BBC Radio 1's "Unpopular Opinion" segment.

"I like dipping my chips in chocolate milkshake," said Fearn.

"I don't wanna crush Fearn's dreams," Stormzy replied, before whispering: "I don't really like it."

"Fearn, you do whatever you like, my love," Stormzy added. "If you want to dip those chips in your shake, you shake those chips."

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