Xbox Family Settings: Should console screen-time apps be able to limit your gaming time?

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Should your parents be able to control how long you play videos games for... by using your console?

A new mobile app by Xbox is aiming to tackle too much screen time by giving extra controls to parents.

The Xbox Family Settings App will allow parents and guardians to set time limits for how long their kids can play for each day, as well giving them a final say on who their kids can add to play with.

A test version of the app is available to Android users, and a number of iOS users, with the full version coming out later this year.

Other gaming companies like Nintendo have also recently stepped up their efforts to help encourage young gamers to lead a healthy balanced life with games like Pokemon Go and Sleep, which reward healthy life habits.

But should your parents limit how much time you spend gaming? Have your say and leave us a comment below.

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Around the world

Earlier this year the government in the Kagawa Prefecture in Japan pushed through a new law which limits the amount of time children can legally play video games each day

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Under the new law, children must not play video games for longer than an hour each day, and no longer than an hour and a half at weekends, as well as not being able to use their phone past 9 or 10pm (depending on age) unless for studying.

This new law has received a very mixed response from people, and has already had two legal challenges to oppose it, saying it affects children's rights.

However over in China, China they already have laws to limit gaming time for kids.

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Last year health experts in the UK released some guidelines on how to limit screen time.

However gaming has recently been praised as a great way for kids to keep in touch with their friends during lockdown.

So what do you think? Should you be allowed to choose how long you play for? Or do you think your parents should choose?