National Gallery to display children's artwork on outdoor screens
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School children have taken part in the National Gallery's annual Take One Picture display. This is a national programme for kids to show off their artistic skills. The gallery will display the artwork on outdoor screens across the UK. You will be able to find them in city centres and road side screens, and if you come across one, maybe you would get inspired to create something yourself!

The campaign will be displayed on more than 60 screens in six cities: Aberdeen, Birmingham, Edinburgh, Glasgow, London and Manchester. They will be on display for two weeks from 1 March for everyone to see the work of the the pupils.

Each year, Take One Picture, focuses on one painting as a theme for their artwork. They focus on elements of the painting such as themes, subject matter, and historical context. This year's painting was American artist George Bellow's Men on the Docks (1912), which shows a group of men keeping warm in New York City.

There will be a range of different artwork inspired by the main painting that will be shown on the outdoor screens. These will include city sky scrapers made out of cardboard, and people who reflect immigration and opportunity.

Here is an idea of what the screens would look like, so you know what to spot! Make sure you keep an eye out in these cities for the screens, and who knows, maybe next year you can join in on the campaign!
- Published1 March 2021
- Published2 March 2021
- Published2 March 2021