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VOTE: Would you live in this mansion covered in doodles?

sam cox lying in a bath tub covered in doodlesImage source, PA

Is this artist a parent's worst nightmare?

Sam Cook has taken his love of doodling to the extreme after he drew over every single wall, floor, ceiling and object in his 12-room mansion!

The artist, also known as Mr Doodle, is famous for his hand-drawn black and white doodles. In 2020 he sold an original doodle piece for just under $1 million (£888,775).

And now his latest piece is his own home in Tenterden, Kent.

Take a look at these incredible pictures of his £1.35 million home!

image shows a large white house completely covered in large black doodlesImage source, PA Media

While it all might seem like a bit of fun, this labour of love is not to be sniffed at…

The whole project has taken Sam two years and 900 litres of white paint, 401 cans of black spray paint, 286 bottles of drawing paint and 2,296 pen nibs!

artist sam cox stands between two columns at the front of the house smiling while wearing a tracksuit covered in his doodlesImage source, PA Media

Sam said the house is "just the beginning of my childhood dream to doodle the entire planet".

He says he wants doodles to be recognised as "an art form".

sam cox and his wife alena standing in their hallway at the bottom of the stairs looking up at the camera in the balcony above with every inch of the space covered in doodlesImage source, PA Media

Mr Doodle plans to live in the mansion with his wife Alena and their dog.

A stop-motion video of the process of covering his house has now had millions of views.

sam and alena at their dining room table covered in doodles with a box of cereal called doodle flakes sat on the table next to themImage source, PA Media

In an interview with the Sunday Times, Sam said he was first inspired to doodle by cartoons he watched as a boy.

"My main inspiration still goes back to when I was kid watching Tom and Jerry, Wacky Races and SpongeBob SquarePants, and video games like Crash Bandicoot," he told the newspaper, adding. "I always wanted to draw characters for video games."

a bathroom including a bath tub and a sink covered in doodlesImage source, PA Media

Speaking to the BBC, he said "This is sort of paradise for me."

"I am so excited that my doodles now have a permanent home in the UK."

sam lying on a seat next to a table and lamp with cloud doodles all over the roomImage source, PA Media

Would you like to doodle all over the walls in your home? And what would the grown ups in your life think about it?!

Vote below and let us know what you think in the comments!

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