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Holiday homework: Let us know what you think about it

Have your say - girl doing homeworkImage source, Getty Images

The summer holidays are here, and it could mean weeks without any school work... or does it?

Some of you will be taking the time to chill out, play with your friends and maybe even go on a holiday with family.

But some of you might have some summer holiday homework to complete before you head back to school.

And we want to know what you think about it - is it a good idea or not?

Have you got any homework to do this summer? Do you think giving kids homework in the summer holidays is a good idea? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Boy doing homeworkImage source, Getty Images

If you do have homework, will you be getting it done and out the way at the start of the holidays?

Maybe it'll be a last minute job in the lead up to putting those uniforms back on?

Some people say children should have a break where they don't have to think about schoolwork so they can fully unwind and return to lessons feeling refreshed.

Others say it's important to keep those brains working and practising so you don't forget what you've worked hard to learn.

But we want to know what YOU think - don't forget to let us know in the comments below!