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Royal Mail reveals new 'fang-tastic' spider stamps

Spider holding up a stampImage source, Getty Images

What has eight legs and could soon be found on your post? The answer is a spider of course!

That's because the Royal Mail has revealed 10 new stamps featuring original illustrations of spiders found in the UK.

Previously butterflies, bees and bugs have been shown on stamps.

Now it's time for the arachnids to weave their way into the spotlight.

10 spiders on stampsImage source, Royal Mail

What spiders are shown on the stamps?

The Sand Bear Spider: This species is found in a small number of sand dune sites across the coasts of the UK.

The Cucumber Spider: These are a cucumber green with a red mark on their abdomens.

The Woodland Jumping Spider: These are nicknamed 'eight-legged cats' thanks to their ability to pounce on prey!

The Four-spotted Orbweb Spider: This is the heaviest spider in the UK. They can weigh up to 2.5 grams - that's still less than a penny though.

The Nurseryweb Spider: This spider lives in grassland and can often be seen sunbathing.

Stamp of the Ladybird SpiderImage source, Getty Images

The Ladybird Spider: This is one of the rarest spiders found in the UK.

The Candy-striped Spider: This species is recognised by two thick red stripes that run from its head down to its back.

The Wasp Spider: This is a very large colourful spider that - you've got it - looks like a wasp.

The Zebra Spider: This spider has colours like a zebra and can leap up to 14 times its own body length!

The Heather Crab Spider: This species is crab-like and varies in colour.

Jumping spiderImage source, Getty Images
Image caption,

A tiny jumping spider

Why is the Royal Mail shining a light on spiders with stamps?

David Gold, Royal Mail's director of external affairs and policy said: "Many people are scared of spiders, but these colourful creatures deserve a second look.

"They perform a vital role in nature and have fascinating strategies for survival.

"As these stamps show, there's far more to spiders than the hairy cartoon version we love to hate."