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Flightless grasshopper, thought to be extinct, found almost 80 years later

Appalachian grasshopper Image source, dcrvirginia

A tiny flightless grasshopper, once thought to be extinct, has been spotted in Virginia in the US for the first time in nearly 80 years.

Known as the Appalachian grasshopper (Appalachia hebardi), it was last seen in Virginia back in 1946.

But now, thanks to a determined zoologist who had a hunch that they might still be out there, we now know the insect hasn't completely disappeared.

The Appalachian grasshopper is very small and has amazing camouflage, making it hard to spot.

They can only be found in certain places in the US states of Virginia, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia before.

For decades no one had officially seen it in Virginia, and many thought it was gone forever.

But following reports from members of the public online, a zoologist named Andrew Rapp set off on an adventure to find one.

Zoologist Andrew Rapp, seen holding an Eastern Kingsnake.Image source, dcrvirginia
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Zoologist Andrew Rapp, seen here holding an Eastern Kingsnake, had a hunch that the grasshopper was out there, somewhere

Andrew, who works at the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation, explored different areas where the grasshopper might be hiding.

After months of searching, he finally spotted one while walking along a road in an area known as Augusta County.

"I was looking for it," Rapp said in a radio interview. "I locked eyes with it. And I was like, 'Oh! I think that's probably it!'"

The Appalachian grasshopper lives in a very specific environment – young open forests with tall grasses and shrubs.

Unfortunately, as Virginia's forests grow older, the type of habitat they like to live in is disappearing.

The grasshoppers are also at risk from certain chemicals used to control other insects, such as the spongy moth caterpillar in West Virginia and Pennsylvania.

Dawn sunrise Dawn over the hills of Shenandoah National Park, Virginia.Image source, Getty Images
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As forests in Virginia have aged, becoming denser and thicker, the grasshopper's habitat has changed and is one of the reasons it was believed to be extinct

Facts about grasshoppers

  • Grasshoppers are insects. They are known for their strong back legs that allow them to leap great distances.

  • Some grasshoppers can jump up to 20 times their body length.

  • They are mainly herbivores, meaning they eat plants. They feed on grasses, leaves, and crops, which is why they can sometimes be a problem for farmers. Occasionally they might eat other insects too.

  • The most common species in the UK include the common green grasshopper and the Meadow Grasshopper. These insects can be found in grassy areas like gardens.