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Scientists to study emotions of animals at new research centre

A young person in a turquoise top gives a black and white dog a cuddle. The dog looks content. Image source, Getty Images
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Are "puppy dog eyes" a clue as to how our furry friends are feeling?

Have you ever wondered what your pets are thinking or feeling?

Well, the world's first research centre focussing on animal sentience, or their ability to experience emotions, will be opening in London later this year.

Scientists at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) have said they hope to use the research to change attitudes, and even laws, on how humans treat animals and improve our understanding of their wellbeing.

Professor Jonathan Birch, who will be the Director of the new centre, told Newsround he hopes his team at the Jeremy Coller Centre for Animal Sentience can make a difference.

"We think of ourselves as a nation of animal lovers. But more recently we seem to have lost our sense of ambition" he said.

A young person wearing glasses holds a cricket on his hand and looks at it closely.Image source, Getty Images
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Ever wondered what a cricket is feeling?

"Our Centre, when it opens its doors in autumn 2025, won't change everything overnight, but it can change the conversation in the UK and beyond—and help us rediscover who we are".

The team will develop new ways of studying the feelings of animals scientifically.

They will look at ways animals are treated by humans in areas like science, tech and farming, and explore ways to improve practices, focussing on the welfare and feelings of the animals.

"Have you ever wondered what it feels like to be an insect?", asks Professor Birch.

"Do they feel pain if someone injures them? Can we make them feel better? Even though we all wonder about these questions, science has only recently started investigating them carefully. We are studying questions like these with bees, flies and crickets", he added.

How will an "AI world" affect animals?

Four pigs huddle together behind a metal fence at a farm.Image source, Getty Images
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How are these pigs feeling? This study centre hopes to find out.

Some of the work will involve finding out how an ever-changing planet will affect living things.

The research will look into how the growing use of artificial intelligence could possibly affect animals.

For example, farmers around the world are turning to AI to help them improve their efficiency, but this research centre will look into the use of machine learning around animals to make sure thier welfare is being considered and if new laws need to be put in place to make sure the feelings and emotions of farm animals is thought through.

"A big part of what we do involves turning the science into practical advice. Where scientists have already got results, how can we use those results to treat animals better? And it's not just insects that we need to treat better than we do: we need to do more to help farmed animals like chickens and pigs as well."