When's the best time to have a birthday?

Girl with birthday cupcake Image source, Getty Images
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What's the best time of year to have a birthday?

Would you prefer a party outside in summer, or a nice slice of cake indoors during winter?

People are born on each of the 365 days that make up the year - and of course there are some born on a leap year!

Data on births in England and Wales suggests that the most popular time to be born is at some point in the final week of September.

Some families might plan to have children at that time so that they are the oldest in their group at school.

We want to know when you think is the best time to have a birthday?

Maybe you think it is in the summer so you can spend time outside with friends or maybe you don't mind as long as it is away from other special occasions like Christmas?

Let us know in the comments below!