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Campaign to teach all school children CPR

The British Heart Foundation wants every child to learn CPR, so they leave school knowing how to save a life.

Bolton footballer Fabrice Muamba was given CPR when he collapsed on the pitch from a cardiac arrest in March.

A cardiac arrest is when the heart suddenly stops pumping blood around the body.

Each year about 27,000 people in the UK die from a cardiac arrest outside of hospital - and the British Heart Foundation thinks this could be cut if more people knew CPR.

CPR isn't compulsory in schools at the moment and you need to be trained in order to do it safely.

The Department for Education says it's down to head teachers to decide if they want to teach CPR in their schools.

If your school doesn't teach CPR you can still learn it outside of school, through organisations such as the Scouts and St John Ambulance.

Hayley's been to visit a school where pupils get to learn CPR.

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