Coronavirus: Your messages to your grandparents

Many of you have been unable to see your grandparents up close or very often this year - some of you might not have seen your grandparents at all during coronavirus.

Latest research shows that over half of the 350,000 grandparents who use the networking website Gransnet a month, expect to be spending this Christmas alone.

There have been different rules across the UK about visiting other houses during the pandemic to help stop the spread of coronavirus, especially amongst the elderly and the vulnerable.

For the majority of you, you may have only been allowed to see your grandparent while social distancing, unless your grandparent(s) is part of your household or your extended household, support bubble or because it's been really important that they look after you.

Newsround asked children living in different parts of the UK how being separated from their grandparents has affected them - you may see some familiar famous faces too!

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