#DontHitSnooze: Reclaim Your Morning

Are you a snoozer or a riser? If you automatically hit the snooze button when your alarm goes off, it's time to break the habit.

Don't hit snooze! According to our sleep survey 46% of us don't get up when our alarm goes off and chose to spend a little longer the land of nod.

This habit could actually be doing us more harm than good, as scientific research, external shows that after you hit the snooze button and drift off, your brain starts its sleep cycle all over again. When the alarm goes off a second time, you're likely to be at a deeper, earlier part of your sleep cycle, which means you wake up feeling even worse than you did the first time! Also, think what you could do with that extra nine minutes a day.

Here at BodyPositive HQ we had a week of activities to help you make the most of the longest days of the year. You may use those nine minutes to work out, save some money and make your lunch, or just use that time to get yourself organised. Whatever you chose to do, don't hit snooze!

Oh, and if you were wondering why your snooze function is normally nine minutes long, it's all explained here, external… sort of.