Darren Fletcher: West Bromwich Albion new boy ready for action

Darren Fletcher says he is ready for the challenge after swapping trophy-chasing with Manchester United for a relegation battle with West Bromwich Albion.

Midfielder Fletcher, 31, made 340 appearances in his 12 years as a United first-team player, being part of six title-winning teams. But he was no longer a regular at Old Trafford, having made just four league starts this season under Louis Van Gaal.

He has now swapped third for 15th place in the Premier League table, but insists his battling qualities are just as suited to life at the wrong end of the league.

"There's many ways to win a football match," he told BBC Midlands Today. "You don't win titles just with fancy football. There's times when you have to dig deep. I've been there before and done it with United and done it playing for Scotland too."

Fletcher is scheduled to make his Albion debut on Sunday at Burnley, where he will be putting in his second appearance of the campaign, having already played there for United back in late August in a 0-0 draw.

Darren Fletcher was talking to BBC Midlands Today's Ian Winter.