'Change of Heart' initiative raising funds for heart transplant 22-month-old Millie Byrne

A 'Change of Heart' initiative which saw rivals record a video in opponents' jerseys has raised hundreds of thousands of pounds in support of Millie Byrne, a 22-month-old from Magheracloone, who is waiting for a heart transplant in Newcastle, England.

Fundraising organiser Orla Hughes explains how the appeal came about and expresses her satisfaction at the reaction of the public and the many sporting stars, including some of the biggest names in GAA, who have played their part.

The Magheracloone club started planning a Marathon with club members Solo-ing a football 475 miles, the distance from Magheracloone to Newcastle.

An initial target of 10,000 euro was reached within two hours and almost 150,000 euro has now been raised, with almost 4,000 donations to the fund already.