Get Inspired: East Yorkshire & Lincs Unsung Hero makes a splash

June Cooper has been announced as the 2015 BBC Get Inspired Unsung Hero for East Yorkshire and Lincolnshire.

June, who is nearly 80, has been running a swimming exercise class in Hull for the past 30 years. The group she helps have, in the main, mobility issues.

What makes her extra special in the eyes of the judges is June herself has a disability. She lost almost all of her hearing when a rogue German bomber dropped its load close to her home in rural East Yorkshire. She was four years old at the time.

June described winning the award as "absolutely gorgeous." She said: "It's been a lot of years and we've had our ups and downs but we've kept on going and we have a very good crowd now."

If you would like to find out how to volunteer for a sports club near you, take a look at this handy guide.