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Attack Attack
Shots Denmark 3 Netherlands 9 Shots on target Denmark 1 Netherlands 2 Shots off target Denmark 0 Netherlands 5 Blocked shots Denmark 2 Netherlands 2 Attempts out of box Denmark 1 Netherlands 5 Total offside Denmark 2 Netherlands 1 Defensive Defensive
Total tackles Denmark 23 Netherlands 18 Won tackles Denmark 17 Netherlands 15 Fouls Denmark 13 Netherlands 8 Total yellow cards Denmark 1 Netherlands 0 Total clearances Denmark 17 Netherlands 11 Headed clearances Denmark 5 Netherlands 6 Duels won Denmark 45 Netherlands 47 Errors leading to shots Denmark 1 Netherlands 0 Distribution Distribution
Total passes Denmark 473 Netherlands 634 Accurate passes Denmark 397 Netherlands 555 Backward passes Denmark 79 Netherlands 88 Forward passes Denmark 153 Netherlands 183 Total long balls Denmark 51 Netherlands 52 Successful final third passes Denmark 58 Netherlands 89 Total crosses Denmark 10 Netherlands 13 Touches Denmark 629 Netherlands 796 Touches in the box Denmark 9 Netherlands 21 Dispossessed Denmark 9 Netherlands 12 Goalkeeper Goalkeeper
Keeper throws Denmark 4 Netherlands 2 Goal kicks Denmark 11 Netherlands 3 Punches Denmark 1 Netherlands 0