Get fit for the season - like Gerrard, Gotze, Ings, Carroll & Aluko

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Eniola Aluko, Mario Gotze, Steven Gerrard, Troy Deeney and Danny INgsImage source, Getty Images
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The exercises professionals use to develop physically can be safely replicated by amateur players

Pre-season training methods were once a guarded secret, locked away behind training ground doors.

There was a time when images of the stars setting off from a training ground on a jog were as much as we saw but the influence of social media means it has now never been easier to copy what the professionals do.

Their methods are dynamic, scientific and targeted.

So with the help of Jamie Kennedy - a personal trainer to Liverpool's Danny Ings, Tottenham's Kieran Trippier and Southampton's Jay Rodriguez - BBC Sport shows you what top players do so you can sharpen up before the new season. Be careful, but give it a go...

Mario Gotze - Bayern Munich

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Mario Gotze trains using one legged jumps

What is he working? Hamstrings, glutes, quads, joint stability.

Kennedy says: "From a sitting position to an explosive jump, this movement can help develop the power and fast-twitch fibres players need to operate at a high level. This is one of my favourite exercises to use with the players. It is fantastic for isolating power from leg muscles.

"If you wanted to use this method you could start by simply trying to stand from a sitting position on the floor using just your legs. Progress it to use just one leg to take you from the floor to a stood position."

Danny Ings - Liverpool

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Danny Ings training

What is he working? Dynamic balance, lower-limb power, lateral power.

Kennedy says: "Posture control, balance and flexibility are essential in ensuring efficient movement during the game and Ings works on those in the opening two exercises here. Later, in leaping sideways he builds strength in his legs to aid the lateral functions football requires and he finishes with a core strength exercise to shape powerful movements."

Steven Gerrard - Los Angeles Galaxy

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Steven Gerrard resistance training

What is he working? Leg strength, overall power, running economy.

Kennedy says: "Using another person to pull him back as resistance calls on Gerrard to develop strength, notably in his legs but also in driving his upper body forward to ensure all of his body is helping him put power into his sprint effectively. Fast-twitch fibres are activated."

Kennedy's tip

"Focus on your nutrition more and more. Football has caught on, it trailed the ethos rugby had for some time but without proper food after training your recovery times can be massively extended."

Eniola Aluko - Chelsea Ladies

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Eniola Aluko trains with box jumps

What is she working? Core strength, explosive power.

"Aluko's leap onto a high box is designed to make her leg and core muscles contract quickly, helping to develop fast-twitch fibres used for power that she will need when performing that key sprint or explosive movement in a game situation.

"Jump work is fantastic. Start by just using a small step and build it gradually."

Troy Deeney - Watford

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Troy Deeney agility training

What is he working? Foot speed, range of leg muscles, core strength, stability.

Kennedy says: "Deeney uses a foam roller here to perfect the short, sharp side-to-side movements he may use to forge a yard of space through rapid lateral movement before performing three ballistic jumps.

"The jump action works across three areas - his, hip, knee and ankle joints simultaneously. This is known as multi-joint facilitation and is a key factor as in football, strength and power are always used across a variety of muscles and joints."

Troy Deeney again

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Troy Deeney jump training

What is he working? Leg strength, balance.

"This range of repetitions will help the athlete develop strength and power within his lower body. Deeney mixes them up with dynamic split squats which fatigue his legs before each jump, thus building strength endurance."

Glen Johnson - Stoke City

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Glen Johnson full body workout

What is he working? Leg strength, shoulders, endurance, stability, sideways movements.

Kennedy says: "Johnson uses a weight but does not isolate just one muscle group as his full-body range of movement in lifting from the floor to over his head works muscles from his calf up to his shoulder, allowing him to develop upper body strength and a physical presence on the pitch.

"Reverse lunges work the glutes, quads and hamstrings, reducing the risk of injury. His repeated movement patterns sideways between kettle bells and up against a step create muscular endurance called upon during a match."

Bojan - Stoke City

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Bojan agility training

What is he working? Agility, injury rehabilitation, joint strength.

Kennedy says: "After a terrible cruciate knee-ligament injury last season, Bojan has to be sure his body can handle the countless challenges football presents. From fast feet in the ladder to backward and sideways movement through the agility sticks, his knee is asked to take the shock of several ranges of motion here. But, crucially as he recovers from injury, he knows where the obstacles are - thus ensuring safety."

Bojan again

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Bojan tennis ball drill

What is he working? Lateral movement at speed, concentration in receiving instruction.

Kennedy says: "A player may need to move sideways quickly to change direction or to man-mark at a set piece. Here Bojan is told which tennis ball (numbered one to four) to collect and move. In listening for instruction this helps his body react to his mind but in a controlled environment, as this is a progression from the above exercise in some ways."

Andy Carroll - West Ham

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Andy Carroll weight training

What is he working? Injury prevention, glutes, calf muscles, running technique.

Kennedy says: "In recent years, hamstring, knee and ankle issues have hampered Carroll, so building strength, resistance and stability in his legs is key. Here, his hip thrusts from a bench develop his glutes activation to ensure they are strong enough to absorb impact during games. His second exercise works his calf, which will in turn create better stability in the ankle and help when trying to perform powerful sprints.

"The sprint on the spot encourages upright position, a strong knee lift and good posture. Another way to do this is to put your hands against a wall and simply sprint on the spot, keeping your knees high."

Kennedy's tip

"Sleep properly. Real Madrid have a hotel next to their training ground for it, Swansea City have sleeping pods at their training base. Your body adapts to the training during rest and players will sleep more in pre-season. Use blackout blinds, don't occupy your mind before bed, give yourself every chance."