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Live Reporting

Nicola Pearson

All times stated are UK

  1. Goodbye!

    And that brings to an end this live text too.

    It's been an evening filled with fantastic stories, nominees and winners and plenty to inspire some positive changes.

    Thank you very much for joining us and I hope you enjoyed the inaugural BBC Green Sport Awards!

    If you would like to watch the award ceremony in full it will be available over on BBC iPlayer.

  2. Green Sport Awards winners

    And so that brings an end to the inaugural BBC Green Sport Awards!

    Here is a round up of all tonight's winners as well as links to find out more about each of them and why they won;


    Evergreen Athlete Award: Leilani Münter

    Ambition and Impact Award: SailGP

    Teamwork Award: Jadir Taekwondo Association

    Young Athlete of the Year Award: Morten Thorsby

    Athlete of the Year Award: David Pocock

    Winners graphic
  3. "It was important to recognise, celebrate and raise awareness"

    Quote Message: The BBC Green Sport Awards were created to acknowledge that Sport is not immune to climate change and we felt it was important to recognise, celebrate and raise awareness of the individuals within the industry that are going the extra mile for a greener future. Congratulations to all the winners, we hope they continue doing brilliant work that inspires and encourages others. from Barbara Slater Director, BBC Sport
    Barbara SlaterDirector, BBC Sport
    Barbara Slater speaking
  4. "I believe football can make a huge difference"

    Young Athlete of the Year winner Morten Thorsby speaking to BBC Sportsday: "The past 7-8 years i've been going on this journey trying to figure out what can I do as an individual. That went from changing myself to trying to build a movement in football because I believe football can make a huge difference in solving the climate and environmental crisis."

    "I feel that the players are starting to engage but there's a lot of work that has to be done and that's what i'm trying to do, trying to engage these players and getting them to use their voices to start to fight this because they can really make a big difference."

    Thorsby at union berlin
  5. Teamwork winners reaction

    Earlier this evening Jadir Taekwondo were announced as the winners of the Teamwork Award.

    View more on twitter
  6. David Pocock wins Athlete of the Year Award

    David pocock playing rugby
    Quote Message: It is clear that David Pocock’s environmental convictions form the core of who he is. His actions show that he is willing sacrifice his sporting legacy in order to raise awareness of climate change. He was for me, by far the most inspirational candidate who fearlessly used his sporting profile to further the environmental agenda. from Ed Leigh Green Sport Awards Judge
    Ed LeighGreen Sport Awards Judge
  7. Athlete of the Year winner

    David was surprised with the award by fellow Australian and award nominee Pat Cummins.

    Video content

    Video caption: Green Sport Awards 2022: Athlete of the Year winner

    You can find out more about David Pocock and why he won here.

  8. BreakingAthlete of the Year Award

    And the final winner of the night is...

    David Pocock!

    David Pocock award winning graphic
  9. Athlete of the Year contenders

    And so we come to the final award of the night... the Athlete of the Year award!

    Here's a reminder of who the nominees are;

    • Pat Cummins
    • Chris Dickerson
    • Sarah Hanffou
    • Hannah Mills
    • David Pocock
  10. Morten Thorsby wins Young Athlete of the Year Award

    Quote Message: Football culture is steeped in tradition and no matter the level, it is governed by the often conservative politics of the dressing room where the team act together. It is not an easy environment to stand up and be counted for your personal beliefs. In that context Morten Thorsby’s commitment to climate action and the creative ways he has found to raise awareness are to be applauded. from Ed Leigh Green Sport Awards Judge
    Ed LeighGreen Sport Awards Judge
    Morten thorsby playing for union berlin
  11. Young Athlete of the Year winner

    Find out more about the newly crowned Young Athlete of the Year Morten Thorsby.

    Video content

    Video caption: Green Sport Awards 2022: Young Athlete of the Year
  12. BreakingYoung Athlete of the Year Award

    And the penultimate award of the night goes to...

    Morten Thorsby!

    Morten Thorsby award winning graphic
  13. Young Athlete of the Year contenders

    Ready to find out the penultimate winner of the night?

    It's the Young Athlete of the Year Award and here is a reminder of the contenders;

    • Joe Cooke
    • Anna Hursey
    • Zoe Morse
    • Ellis Spiezia
    • Morten Thorsby
  14. "Try to do things the best we can today"

    Sports Lead at UN Climate Change Lindita Xhaferi-Salihu speaking to BBC news earlier about what we can do about Climate Change: "Do nothing without embedding environmental considerations in the decisions people make. Think about it twice, whether we need to do something, whether its the only way, are there other solutions that we can apply that are better in terms of environment and social? So really just re-think and try to do things the best we can today."

  15. Meet the Judges

    The organisation award categories judges included;

    • Mie Kajikawa
    • Danielle Mulder
    • Dr Madeleine Orr
    • Alison Tickell
    • Lindita Xhaferi-Salihu

    You can find out more about all our judging panel here.

    organisation award categories judges graphic
  16. Meet the Judges

    So who has been picking tonight's winners?

    A panel of independent experts in climate and environment issues have judged the winner of each of the awards.

    The judges were split into two categories with four to judge the athlete awards categories and five to judge the organisation award categories.

    The athlete award judges included;

    • Ella Al-Shamahi
    • Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson
    • Ed Leigh
    • Justin Rowlatt
    Athlete award categories judges graphic
  17. Winners reaction

    SailGP were earlier announced as the first winners of the Ambition and Impact Award.

    View more on twitter
  18. Halfway headlines

    picture of ambition and impact award at wembley

    Well after a busy first half I think it's time for a brew and a round up as we reach the halfway point of the evening.


    Evergreen Athlete Award: Leilani Münter

    Ambition and Impacts Award: SailGP

    Teamwork Award: Jadir Taekwondo Association

    Still to come

    Young Athlete of the Year

    Athlete of the Year

  19. Jadir Taekwondo Association win Teamwork Award

    More from the judges on winners Jadir Taekwondo Association (AJTKD).

    Quote Message: In the first place, it's incredible that they continued their work for 20 years in a country with conflict and even with pandemic. And I believe their approach to educate and empower young people on environmental issues to help them take their own actions is valuable, and that they are a best role model for developing countries or even for small countries to play their important roles to contribute to the SDGs together with developed countries. from Mie Kajikawa Green Sport Awards Judge
    Mie KajikawaGreen Sport Awards Judge
  20. Jadir Taekwondo win Teamwork Award

    Quote Message: The dedication to mobilise positive change that will benefit the planet as well as support young people in some of the most difficult contexts that this exceptional small team bring to their work is extraordinary. In one of the global frontlines for climate change - Brazil - the Jadir Taekwondo Association brings a holistic understanding of climate action, working with communities and young people, often against the odds. Their impact speaks for itself. from Alison Tickell Green Sport Awards Judge
    Alison TickellGreen Sport Awards Judge