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Live Reporting

Aimee Lewis

All times stated are UK

Get involved

  1. Goodbye

    It will be some time before the last participant crosses the finishing line but there will be no more live text commentary I'm afraid because I haven't done the necessary training to go the distance. Thanks, as always, for joining us. You can watch highlights at 18:00 BST on BBC Two (22:30 BST on BBC Two Wales) and continue watching a stream of the finish line on this page until 16:00 BST. Until next year...

  2. Get involved #getinspired

    George Reid: Keep going Dad. First marathon at 50! You are the best.

    Hannah Sullivan: Thinking of you whilst lying on the sofa Rory and Jess. So proud of you both, keep going.

    Andy Boslem: Good luck to Mike Harrison. The fastest amputee in the west. Go Mike! Lots of love from everyone in the pub

    Send us your messages of support to #getinspired

  3. London Marathon stats

    London Marathon

    The oldest man running today is Paul Freedman. The 90-year-old has taken part in every London Marathon since 1991, except 2004 when he was recovering from a heart attack.

    Memorably, one of Freedman's London Marathon top tips last year was to "follow a nice bum".

  4. Marathon effort from racing trainer's daughter

    Jessica Hills

    Jessica Hills is running in memory of her father, the Lambourn racehorse trainer John Hills, who died of pancreatic cancer aged 53 last year.

    John, the son of Classic-winning trainer Barry, saddled more than 700 winners.

    Jessica, who is raising funds for research into the illness which also claimed the life of her uncle Michael, passed the 30km mark in three hours, 16 minutes.

    Before the marathon, she said: "My Dad was an incredibly kind and fair man who had so much more to give his family, all his hundreds of friends, and racing itself."

  5. Mini marathon for mini Beckham

    David and Victoria Beckam with their sons Cruz and Romeo

    David and Victoria Beckham have been spotted. They were cheering their son, Romeo, who ran the mini marathon. Victoria Beckham tweeted: We r so proud!! Romeo ran London mini Marathon

  6. A different turn of pace for Williams

    Many of the celebrities have finished and one of them is former Wales winger Shane Williams. The boy from Neath wanted to finish in under four hours and he achieved that. "I was in the lead at about 60m and after that it was downhill, but what an experience," he tells Gabby Logan.

  7. Get involved #getinspired

    Megan Lillie: Good luck grandad lee. Love you lots you're doing really well! Xxxx

    Emily Blatchford: Good luck to my dad about to pass mile 24

    Jane Susan Baxter: James Baxter we are all so proud of you (especially your Dad)

    Send us your messages of support at #getinspired

    If you've been inspired to get into running by watching today's marathon then have a look at BBC Get Inspired's running guide

  8. London Marathon in numbers

    We're nearly at the end of our live text coverage, but here are some stats for you to chew on in the next few minutes:

    3,450 - Rubbish bags to be filled after the race

    90 - The age of Paul Freedman who is the oldest runner

    400 - Urinal bays at the start line

    40,000 - Foil blankets used by athletes to keep warm

  9. Get involved #getinspired

    Ali Stephenson: Keep going Bryoni!!! Watching every second of it on the TV, so sorry can't be there! So proud of you!

    Ashleigh Meikle: Congrats Elaine Macdonald on running your first marathon for the Lauren Page Trust!

    Becca Stell: Best of luck to our Uncle! Go on Nick Flann!!

    Get in touch with us a #getinspired

  10. Silver lining for Jordan

    Part of the London Marathon's unique appeal is the members of the watching public fuelling the runners with their impromptu roadside tuckshop of jelly babies and the like.

    Type 1 diabetic Jordan Silver won't be able to partake because his refuelling has to be planned with military precision. He's gone through 25km in two and a half hours - you can read more of his inspirational story here.

    London Marathon
  11. Too Fat to Run?

    Certainly not. Tracey Irwin is out to prove otherwise at the London Marathon today having been inspired by an internet campaign.

    "What are the chances of a plus-size runner going out and running 26 miles?," Tracey says. She's one of six inspirational stories BBC Get Inspired caught up with in the build up to today's race.

    Tracey Irwin
  12. London Marathon as easy as ABC

    London Marathon

    Of the thousands who are running the London Marathon today, there are more teachers than any other occupation. For those interested, there are 10 game keepers running, 106 actors and eight librarians. Thanks for listening.

  13. Get involved #getinspired

    The London Marathon is getting you out running already it seems. If you fancy getting into running, Get Inspired's activity finder could put you in touch with a club in your area.

    Lee Haward: I have noticed an increase in the amount of people out jogging today. I can't think why! #getinspired

    Dan Lawrence: Watching the London marathon really does inspire you to get out and exercise.

    Paula Zucherelli: If 37k people went out this morning to run London Marathon how could I not do my humble 4k?

    Get in touch with us at #getinspired

  14. 1,000 miles in 1000 days

    People are running the London Marathon for a number of reasons, some are hoping to achieve a lifetime's ambition, others doing in in memory of loved ones. Everyone has a target, everyone has a story to tell.

    Somewhere in the crowd is Katey Cuthbertson, who is running 1,000 miles in 1,000 days in memory of her sister and dad who both died of cancer.

    The 30-year-old's challenge includes climbing the three peaks, mud runs, half marathons and rowing marathons before bringing the challenge to an end in London.

  15. Inspired to run?

    Apparently the winner of the men's race Eliud Chipchoge has been running 12 miles a day since he was eight.

    I'm not for a minute suggesting you all should embark on a similarly gruelling regime.

    But if you've been inspired by today's London Marathon BBC Get Inspired have produced a step-by-step guide into mass participation events.

  16. Get involved #getinspired

    Susan Bentley: A shout out to @BethThomasHanco inspires @uniofbrighton students to volunteer in community.

    Alison Gilleard: Big shout out for my friend Jayne Cobbing

    Running Forever: Well done Gerry Hogg! 2:41:05 whoop whoop!

    Get involved by using the hashtag #getinspired

  17. It was really cool - Button

    Jenson Button finishes in 2:52.30 and says he is "chuffed" with his time.

    "The most amazing thing is, I've done quite a bit of training but there are so many people in front of me," says the former Formula 1 world champion. "People have put in so much effort and it's actually quite emotional. It was really cool."

  18. 'It was tough, but fantastic'


    Two-time winner Wilson Kipsang, who came second in this year's men's race, told BBC Sport: "This is one of the best races and it was a really strong field.

    "I'm happy for my friend to have won and for me as defending champion to run a good time and get second place, I'm really happy. It was a very tough race but a fantastic one."

  19. 'It was like an Olympics'

    Men's winner Eliud Kipchoge told BBC Sport: "The race was good and I feel OK. This is a major championships and it was like an Olympic Games.

    "To only have 500 metres to go and be next to someone like Kipsang shows this is a major competition. The crowd were wonderful and they lifted my spirits."

  20. Get involved #getinspired

    Gemma Semmelroth: Watching from Germany to try to spot Jim Semmelroth in an Ironman costume.

    Ahmed Ashour: Go Shafi. All Ashour family and Birmingham are rooting for you.

    Susannah Sutton: Tracking the fab race through London between Hutch dad & son. Dad just 3 mins ahead!!

    Get in touch with us using the hashtag #getinspired

  21. Post update

    Paula Radcliffe said she was unfit, she said she was unprepared, but she finished four seconds slower than one of Britain's elite women, Rebecca Robinson, who finished 40th.

    She was only five minutes behind Britain's best placed elite woman, Sonia Samuels. An incredible performance by a 41-year-old who injured her Achilles a few weeks ago and was struggling to walk a couple of years ago.

  22. Magic of London helped - Radcliffe

    More from Paula Radcliffe: "It was so loud, my ears were ringing. It was just amazing the whole way round. All the way along, there were so many people giving me encouragement.

    "I came into this race totally unprepared and hoped the magic of the London Marathon would help me and I'm sure it did. You can't help but come here and run hard. You have to give it your best effort and that's what I did.

    "When I knew I was going to finish I just wanted to thank as many people as possible."

  23. Radcliffe will miss London


    Paula Radcliffe says: "Down the last mile I thought 'I don't care about the time' I just wanted to thank as many people as I could.

    "You can't come to the London Marathon and not give an honest effort. But I went off way too fast but from then on it got more and more emotional.

    "There was a big sign at Embankment saying 'we will miss you' but it won't be as much as I will miss you."

  24. Get involved #getinspired

    Kyri K: Look at my sis Nishadi go! Great photo by Himasha!

    London Marathon

    Send us your pictures and get involved at #getinspired

  25. Post update

    Paula Radcliffe's husband Gary is lost for words. He attempts to answer Gabby Logan's question but he has to stop to prevent salty tears running down his cheeks.

  26. Emotional journey for Radcliffe


    "I didn't care about the time all the way round and I just wanted to thank as many people as possible," says Radcliffe. "I went off way too fast and then it got more and more emotional. It was just amazing the whole way round."

  27. Tears for Paula

    "We will never see her like again, certainly not here in Britain," says Steve Cram of Paula Radcliffe.

    Radcliffe's children, Isla and Raphael, appear with husband Gary and an emotional Isla is crying, overwhelmed by the occasion. It's unofficial but Radcliffe's time was about 2:36.55

  28. Post update


    "Thank you," says Paula Radcliffe as she approaches the final turn, holding back the tears, waving at the crowd. Buckingham Palace is now behind her, she runs hand in hand with a gentleman down the home straight before letting go to savour the moment.

  29. Radcliffe approaching the end


    Spiderman crosses the line - which is a new world record (probably) for someone dressed as a superhero. Paula Radcliffe's family are waiting at the finishing line and they won't have long to wait because the Briton is about five minutes from the finish line and is set to clock two hours and 37 minutes.

  30. Get involved #getinspired

    So, your legs have turned to guacamole but you've still got plenty of miles left to go. What do you do? Give up or carry on? What would be your number one tip to help someone get to the finishing line? Tweet us using the hashtag #getinspired

  31. Running in the family

    The motivations for running the marathon are often moving and the story of the Martin siblings certainly is.

    Rosie, 24, Ella, 22 and Will, 20 are all delivering on a promise they made to their terminally-ill, running-mad mum Sand.

    The Martins

    Remember, you don't have to run a marathon to get into running - BBC Get Inspired's handy guide tells you everything you need to know about recreational running.

  32. 'Radcliffe got people off their bums'

    Steve Cram

    BBC athletics commentator

    London Marathon

    "She's an incredible character and when you talk about role models in sport you couldn't find a better one.

    "When you go out on any evening in Britain people are out running, lots of women are out running, and Paula has had such an impact on inspiring people to have a go.

    "Paula Radcliffe is a running icon. She's enabled hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, of people to get off their backsides and go run."

  33. Radcliffe running well


    Time to focus our attention on Paula Radcliffe for a bit. That familiar sight, the bobbing head, is easy to spot in the crowd.

    It's difficult to tell whether she's smiling or grimacing. It might be both. The world record holder, red vest, shades and knee-high white socks, has enough energy to wave to the crowd at least.

  34. Kenya's three kings

    Kenya's Kings

    What a gentleman Eliud Kipchoge is, embracing world record holder Dennis Kimetto as he crosses the line in third. As you'd expect, it's a Kenyan top three and all three are smiling, happy with their day's work.

  35. Kipchoge triumphs in men's race


    Former world champion Eliud Kipchoge looks over his shoulder before turning the corner to soak in the applause of the crowd down The Mall.

    "This will be the biggest day of his marathon career," says Steve Cram.

    Wilson Kipchoge is trying to haul him down but Kipchoge has time enough to salute the crowd. A well-timed break. A comfortable victory.

  36. Post update

    And still they go toe-to-toe. In the shadow of Big Ben, Wilson Kipsang and Eliud Kipchoge are shoulder to shoulder but with a mile remaining Kipchoge ups the ante and opens a gap between him and his compatriot.

  37. Get involved #getinspired


    Some of you are catching the marathon bug watching this year's London Marathon.

    Sally Eccleston: Plan for today - #getinspired for a future London Marathon whilst listening to 5 live sport and working

    Kat Chase: Cheeky little 6 mile Sunday morning run, inspired by 40,000 people running slightly further!

    If you fancy taking on a marathon or a similar event, it's worth reading this.

  38. Post update

    Defending champion Wilson Kipsang and former world champion Eliud Kipchoge are racing side by side. They've left the others behind them and it's doing to be a battle royal between the two Kenyans. Both look to have plenty left in the tank. Get ready for fireworks.

  39. Get involved #getinspired

    For some toddlers, watching the London Marathon is more entertaining than Mr Tumble.

    London Marathon

    Magda: They're going to run #LondonMarathon one day #GetInspired

    If you're watching the marathon today, either on the course or in your living room, get in touch with the hashtag #getinspired

  40. Get involved #getinspired

    Christina Bhachu: Thinking of everyone running @LondonMarathon especially Amanda Bird, high school friend

    Alex Squire: Good luck to @TheLiamBurden in today's #LondonMararthon #GetInspired

    Emma Rogers: Good luck to DAN NOTT!! Love Em and all your friends and family!!!!

    Tony Hall: Good luck to Andy Thomas. Running it in aid of the Children's Society. Good Luck

  41. Kenya's fantastic four


    And then there were four. Kenyans Wilson Kipsang, Dennis Kimetto, Eluid Kipchoge and Stanley Biwott are leading the way in the men's race. The pace has slowed a tad, the race turning into a chess match. It's more about tactics at this point, but who will make the crowning move?

  42. Post update

    Three of the six fastest marathon runners of all time are in the leading men's group. Eliud Kipchoge takes in some fluid before throwing his bottle onto the street. Hopefully he'll pick that up later.

    Kipchoge looks over to his right, sees Dennis Kimetto by his side. Undeterred, he continues to up the tempo. They're working their way through London's streets like express trains.

  43. Paws for thought

    The elite athletes look so comfortable on the TV - but the London Marathon is a speedy affair.....

    London Marathon
  44. Kipchoge leads men's race


    Nine kilometres away from the finish line are the men and they're still running at course record pace. Kenya's Eliud Kipchoge is leading the pack, recording 1:28.56 after 30k. Defending champion Wilson Kipsang and world record holder Dennis Kimetto are lurking behind him.

  45. Tufa wins women's marathon


    Tigist Tufa runs down The Mall, looks behind her, notices no-one else is in sight and gives the crowd a wave. Many expected the Kenyans to dominate but it's Ethiopia's Tufa who wins the London Marathon in 2:23.21 (unconfirmed).

  46. Tufa set for victory

    Tufa wins

    With one mile remaining, Tigist Tufa is extending her lead in the women's elite race. The Ethiopian is comfortable enough to check her watch. She bursts down Embankment and it doesn't look like anyone can catch the 2014 Shanghai marathon winner.

  47. Radcliffe too quick for Denise

    Paula Radcliffe

    Denise Lewis tries to ask Paula Radcliffe a few questions as the former winner crosses Tower Bridge, but no matter how hard she tries the former Olympian can't keep up with Radcliffe and we're left to assume the Achilles injury isn't giving Radcliffe too much grief.

  48. Wales great Williams flying

    Former Wales rugby union winger Shane Williams is running today and he's completed 10k in 50 minutes. He can't keep going at such a speed, surely?

    The map which tracks Williams' run looks a bit confusing, but you can just about spot where he is.

    Shane Williams
  49. Good Evans

    Chris Evans

    We mentioned BBC Radio 2 presenter Chris Evans is among the runners and he has just been spotted. At the moment, he is on course for a time of four hours and 40 minutes which isn't too shabby.

  50. Post update

    The elite women are nearing the end of the road and it's too close to call. Meanwhile, the men's elite leading group now only consists of eight runners. They have 11 miles to go and you'd assume, considering the speed they're running at, more will drop off as they chalk off the miles.

  51. McFadden majestic in London

    Tatyana McFadden

    After Joshua George's win in the men's T53/54 wheelchair race, the peerless Tatyana McFadden has made it an American double in the women's race.

    McFadden has dominated women's wheelchair racing in the last two years, winning back-to-back marathons in Boston, London, Chicago and New York and this win was her third in a row in London after her Boston success last Monday.

    Her winning time of one minute 41.13 seconds smashes her own course record of 1:45.12 - a superb effort from the woman whose nickname is 'The Beast' and she finished over two minutes ahead of Switzerland's Manuela Schaer.

  52. Post update

    Former Tour de France winner Chris Froome: At close to my height, Wilson Kipsang is 5 kgs below my ideal race weight!! maybe need to work a little harder

  53. Paula is an icon & a pioneer - Cram

    Steve Cram

    BBC athletics commentator

    Paula Radcliffe

    "Paula Radcliffe has to be one of the greatest sports people Britain has produced. Athletically, she doesn't have anyone to stand beside her in her event. She was a pioneer, and you don't often see that.

    "Her marathon world record of two hours 15 minutes 25 seconds, achieved in London in 2003, took everyone's breath away. Sometimes an individual comes along and does something so out of this world that it reassesses everybody's thinking of what is possible.

    "For women's marathon running, Paula is the leader. Three of the fastest times in marathon history all belong to her."

  54. Radcliffe set for impressive time

    Talk on Twitter is that Paula Radcliffe's projected finishing time is two hours and 33 minutes, which is remarkable considering she only started training in Easter after six-weeks out with an Achilles problem.

    The Guardian's Sean Ingle points out that the qualifying time for Rio 2016 is two hours and 42 minutes...

  55. Post update

    Brendan Foster

    Olympic medallist and BBC athletics commentator

    "The men are running faster than the course record at the moment. The sun is shining and it is drying out. There are 10 athletes in this leading group as they come up to the halfway point."

  56. Course record to be broken?


    The elite men trot over Tower Bridge with the crowd's cheers ringing in their ears. If they have time to look around them, they'll see the Shard to their left.

    They're approaching the halfway mark and the best of the best are all in the leading pack of 10 runners and if they continue at this pace the course record will be broken.

  57. Inspired to run?

    We all watch the London Marathon and think "I'd love to do that". Ok, when I say all...

    For most of us, thinking about it is is about as far as we get, but it doesn't have to be that way. There's a host of mass participation races out there, whether you fancy running one mile or slogging your way around 26.2.

    BBC Get Inspired have put together a handy guide explaining everything you need to know. Next year it could be you.

  58. You snooze, you... start late

    Lone runner

    There is nothing worse than setting the alarm for a big day only for the cuckoo to refuse to come out of the clock, leaving you late and flustered and slow to the party.

    Although, it could be an advantage if you want to soak up the cheers of the crowd. One runner got to have the start all to herself, 20 minutes after the actual race had started.

  59. Post update

    Steve Cram

    BBC athletics commentator


    "The pacemakers have a tough job. The men have asked for a quick pace and it was a very fast opening 5km then it started to settle down. We have seen the pace-making go a little awry in recent years but hopefully not today."

  60. Post update

    Mike Costello

    Athletics commentator on BBC Radio 5 live

    "It is a fascinating head-to-head between the fastest man in history and the man he took the record from. But there are the top three of all time in the field and five of the fastest seven men in history - it's no wonder it's being called the greatest men's field in history.

    "Dennis Kimetto is a remarkable story. He had his first international race as recently as 2011 at the age of 27. He's a raw talent who might be ready to go even quicker."

  61. Men setting the pace

    The elite men are galloping around the course, justifying their status as the best in the world.

    With five of the seven fastest men in history competing, it is perhaps no surprise they've set off at an impressive pace.

    They've just gone through 15km and all the usual suspects are in the leading pack - Dennis Kimetto, Wilson Kipsang, Geoffrey Mutai, Emmanuel Mutai...

  62. Radcliffe's special world record

    Paula Radcliffe

    How special was the world record Paula Radcliffe achieved in London 12 years ago? Very. No-one has yet got close to the mark she set in 2003. Indeed, only four other women have ever run under two hours and 20 minutes in London.

  63. All eyes on Paula

    Paula Radcliffe

    First sight of Paula Radcliffe, who is flanked by a gaggle of men.

    They rightly looked thrilled to be running alongside the women's world record holder. Incidentally, the three-time winner has gone through the first 10k in 35.23 minutes, which is a super-sharp time and not bad for a woman with an iffy Achilles and a dodgy left foot.

  64. Get involved #getinspired

    Sophie Gosling: #GetInspired Mr W running with giant scissors @stockportgs good luck!

    Sophie Lessar: Good luck in the @LondonMarathon @tommoberly from baby Joshua born 4 weeks ago today - sleep deprived runner!

    Adam Moulder: Cheering on my sister and 7 others near mile 5! And everyone else!! Good luck everybody! #GetInspired

    London Marathon
  65. T-Rex on the prowl

    If you've spotted a dinosaur in London, don't be worried because it's probably Ian Bates who is hoping to become a record breaker. If you spot a dinosaur and it isn't Ian Bates you should be worried. Very worried.

    If Mr Bates clocks under seven hours today he'll break the world record for the fastest marathon in a three-dimensional dinosaur costume. For those interested, the outfit weighs 38kg (six stone in old money).

    BBC Sport
  66. Weir settles for second


    David Weir, second last year, has to settle for second again this year. It looked like the six-time Paralympic champion was poised for a seventh title but he simply ran out of juice in the end. The 35-year-old is currently just staring into the middle distance, trying to come to terms with another near miss.

  67. Post update

    Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson

    11-time Paralympic gold medallist and BBC athletics expert

    "I can't believe it. David Weir was in an amazing position and I've never seen Josh George come up like that. It's the best race of Josh George's life."

  68. George denies Weir


    A tense finale. David Weir comes round the final bend of The Mall leading but is overtaken on the home straight by Joshua George. Agonising for the Briton who was pushing for a record seventh victory.

  69. A record number?

    London Marathon

    Organisers say a record number 37,500 people have started today's race. Should they all finish, it would be another record, beating the record 36,705 number of finishers set in 2012. How many have completed the London Marathon since it started? 924,741.

  70. Men's wheelchair race update

    Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson

    11-time Paralympic gold medallist and BBC athletics expert

    "For the whole race David Weir has been sitting in second position. The way he sits in the chair, the way he drops his head, he can see who is behind him so if anyone goes then he can immediately cover it."

  71. 'I want to get round and get to the pub'

    Chris Evans

    BBC Radio 2 presenter Chris Evans has managed to keep it a secret that he is running in the London Marathon.

    His hopes are straightforward and not too ambitious. "My plan is to get here, get round, get to see my wife and kids, get round, get to the pub and get on the radio tomorrow," he says.

  72. Get me to the church on time


    "Will you marry me? Great. Well, I was thinking we could get hitched while running the London Marathon. Sound ok? Great."

    Laura Harvey and her partner Paul Elliott will be saying 'I do' during today's race. Laura, wearing a wedding dress, explains: "We're both running separately to Tower Bridge, then we come off, get to the venue, have a quick change, get married, have a few photos and then run to the end.

    "In training we have stopped for an hour then started again so we know what it feels like, but it's going to be slow."


    Paul adds: "The run itself is definitely more nerve-wracking. Until we hit Tower Bridge I won't be thinking about getting married. It's all about getting there and being on time. Laura is about 20 minutes quicker than me."

  73. Post update


    There's a river of humanity making their way over the start line in Blackheath. Heads are bobbing, all are smiling, some are waving. Runners in all shapes and sizes, in an array of colours, makes it a splendid sight.

  74. Men's elite & mass race under way

    This year's London Marathon could be the greatest in history, so they say, with defending men's champion Wilson Kipsang and world record holder Dennis Kimetto going head-to-head for the first time.

    The elite men are lining up on the start line. Behind them are thousands of runners. They wait...the klaxon rattles the eardrums... and they're off!

    Men elite race
  75. Weir stays in leading pack

    The good news for Britain's David Weir is that he is still in contention in the men's wheelchair race as they reach 30km.

    There is no sign of his Swiss rival Marcel Hug in that leading group of seven athletes and his challenge looks at an end.

    American Tatyana McFadden is well clear in the women's race and is over a minute clear of Manuela Schaer as she approaches the same mark.

  76. Cheers for Radcliffe

    In just under five minutes Paula Radcliffe will embark on her final London Marathon. The world record holder receives a warm welcome as she waves to the crowd before chatting to Gabby Logan. Plenty of 'thank you, Paula' posters being waved, too.

    "I don't know how much high-fiving I'll be doing," she says. "Maybe when I get nearer the finish. It's going to be an entirely different experience for me, going with the mass start, and it's going to be something special."

  77. London Marathon record breakers

    Gemma Kirkham

    For some, running leg-pounding 26.2 miles in a pair of shorts and t-shirt isn't enough of a challenge. There will be about 100 or so people attempting to break world records today, dressed in all sorts of wacky outfits.

    Keep an eye out for Robin Hobson, who is aiming to become the fastest man to run a marathon in a pair of wellington boots. There's also Gemma Kirkham, attempting to break four hours and 30 minutes dressed as the Mona Lisa.

  78. To pee or not to pee

    Toilet queue

    This is something the elite runners will not have to worry about. These are the queues for the toilet. Surely the most important part of any preparation.

  79. From the track to the road

    Jenson Button

    He won't be going as fast as normal but Formula 1 driver Jenson Button is relishing another race.

    "Running is something I've fallen in love with over the last seven years. I have been doing a lot of triathlons and I'm really competitive," says Button, who is running alongside wife Jessica Michibata and raising money for Cancer Research.

    "Every London Marathon is hot, but it's chilly. but it's about enjoying the moment and raising money for charity."

    Asked if he would be finishing next to his wife, Button replies "only if I can go backwards to get her". Well, he said he was competitive.

  80. Good luck from athletics greats

    Paula Radcliffe: I run because I am a runner. I am a runner because I run. Good luck to everyone today wherever you are running but especially in LONDON x

    Jessica Ennis-Hill: Good luck to everyone running London Marathon and raising so much for charity.

  81. Tight at the top

    Things are still close at the front of the field in the men's wheelchair race with only five seconds separating the first 14 athletes after 15km.

    David Weir and defending champion Marcel Hug are among those in the pack, but there is still a long way to go.

    It's a different story in the women's race with American Tatyana McFadden already 16 seconds clear of Switzerland's Manuela Schaer at the same point. They are well clear of the rest.

  82. Millions for your miles

    London Marathon

    Thousands of people are limbering up in Blackheath, wrapped up in foil or bin liners, preparing for an arduous journey which will test the stamina and mind. It seems as if thousands of them are queuing for the portable loos, too, which can't be nice.

    Anyway, between them they will raise millions for charity in what is the world's biggest one-day fundraising event. How much money has been raised over 34 years? A whopping £716m.

  83. Get involved #getinspired

    Eleanor Bell: Wishing my lovely cousin @IckleMissH the best of luck in the #LondonMarathon today.

    Daniel Marc Evans: Go Charlotte Evans! Beating me to my first marathon by two months, sibling rivalry!

    Wendy Santi: Good luck to my beautiful daughter Nikki in the London Marathon today.

    Are you strategically placed to cheer a friend or a loved one? If you're in London watching the marathon, send us your pictures and chit-chat using the hashtag #getinspired

  84. You wear it well

    London Marathon runners come in all shapes, sizes - and costumes. Not every man can pull off a pink dress, but on BBC Two they've found a bearded man who can. Good luck to you, sir. What an outfit.

    Colin Plews

    Share your best stories and costumes by tweeting #getinspired

  85. Post update

    Jo Pavey

    European 10,000m champion on BBC TV

    "In my first marathon, which was the London Marathon, I tried to pace myself but got far too carried away and I learned my lesson the hard way. When people ask me for advice I always say 'get your pacing right'.

  86. Women's elite race under way

    Toot! The klaxon blows, which is a signal for the elite women to set off on their daunting journey from east to west London. Many are wearing gloves which suggests it's a chilly morning in the English capital.

    The women's race, of course, is all about the fantastic four with Kenyans Mary Keitany, Edna Kiplagat, Florence Kiplagat and Priscah Jeptoo expected to dominate.

    Elite race
  87. Weir gets off to good start

    In the men's wheelchair race, the two main protagonists Marcel Hug and David Weir are among the athletes at the top of the field as they pass the 5km mark.

    In the women's race, Switzerland's defending world champion Manuela Schaer, Japan's Wakako Tsuchida and the two-time defending London champion Tatyana McFadden are setting the pace.

  88. Hand in hand

    Dick Beardsley and Inge Simonsen

    The London Marathon isn't all about winning, as the first race proved with Dick Beardsley and Inge Simonsen who, having battled stride for stride for 26.2 miles, crossed the line hand in hand.

    The pair were famously declared joint winners, which is why we're asking who would you pick to run a marathon hand-in-hand with and why? Send us your thoughts using the hashtag #GetInspired

  89. Time for a sing-song?

    Bottles of Water

    Here are some facts for you about the London Marathon. Feel free to sing it to the tune of your choice (The Twelve Days of Christmas always works quite well).

    Anyway, at today's London Marathon there will be 37,500 medals, 279 road signs, 45 ambulances, 2,000 plasters, 200 bottles of baby oil, 40,000 foil blankets, 23 water stations, 300 stretchers, 40,000 Pink Lady apples, 400 ice packs, 250 tubs of petroleum jelly and 1.250 portable looooooos. [Pause for breath.]


    You can read more London Marathon record and stats on our, well, record and stats page.

  90. Get involved #getinspired

    Liz Willingham: Good luck to @zoeawilson today running her first #LondonMarathon #GetInspired

    Richard Frost: Wishing my stepdad Tony Druery all the very best for the #LondonMarathon a true inspiration

    Frankie Tedstone: My visually impaired friend Lisa is running today with her guide. She is the BIGGEST inspiration

    Get in touch using the hashtag #getinspired

  91. Celebrity spotting

    London Marathon celebrities

    Yes, the London Marathon is when the great and good of the celebrity world run, hobble and/or walk side by side with 'ordinary' folk. Keep an eye out for former Formula One world champion Jenson Button, who is aiming to beat his personal best of two hours and 58 minutes.

  92. Via Twitter

    Chris Giles: Good luck Kate Warlow running the #LondonMarathon today. See you at the final line

    Gordon: Good luck to my old TCW comrade Sunjay Bhogal running in the @LondonMarathon today!

    Steph the Runner: Good luck to my partner Darren running the #LondonMarathon today in memory of our daughter Jessica

    Emma Foster: Incredibly proud of JCB running his 7th marathon in 7 days. Last one Jules.

    Helen Davis: Diane Brown from Marlow, her first marathon, so proud of you.

    Send us your thoughts and messages of support using the hashtag #getinspired

  93. Record for Weir?

    David Weir

    We will be keeping an eye on David Weir this morning as the Briton aims for a record seventh title in London.

    The six-time Paralympic gold medallist has said winning today would mean more to him than success at next year's Olympics in Rio.

    Can he finally overtake Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson, a record she has shared with Weir since 2012?

    "The London Marathon is what got me into racing," he said. "It was the first race I saw on TV with wheelchairs. It was the first one I wanted to do, when I didn't know about Paralympics."

  94. Start times

    There's no reason to delay giving you the start times of the various races any further, so here they are (in BST):

    09:00 - 1st IPC Wheelchair (estimated 10:30 finish)

    09:05 - 1st IPC World Championships (expected 11:30 finish)

    09:20 - Elite women (possible 11:40 finish)

    10:10 - Elite men (estimated 12:15 finish)

    What time will Paula Radcliffe set off? She'll start with the best club runners at about 10:10 BST.

  95. Bin liners and bananas

    BBC Sport's Luke Reddy at Blackheath: "Today runners call on one of the age-old household goods - the bin liner.

    "When you've got 26.2 miles ahead of you, standing up for the hours ahead of the race is not really a good idea, but who wants a wet derrière? Such is the state of the grassy start zones, some forward planning is needed and bin liners at least offer some protection.

    "So far I've seen a gent carrying a giant bird outfit and there are a few people dressed like bananas. Speaking of the yellow fruit, it's being consumed by the bucket load. Everywhere you look there are nervous faces munching on one. Another gent has just walked past me with a 30th birthday balloon. I hope he didn't have a heavy night!"

  96. Rain clouds


    It's a dull morning in the English capital, with the sky the colour of dirty dishwasher. The rain clouds are expected to continue to dump their load over today's runners as the day unfolds, which is a shame as it might scupper any hopes of a world record being broken in the elite men's race. Plenty of hot drinks being supped in Blackheath as the masses go through their final preparations.

  97. BBC Coverage

    I suppose I should better tell you how to keep up-to-date with all things London Marathon related. If you stick with the live text commentary you shouldn't go wrong because there are words and live coverage on this page.

    But John Inverdale is currently presenting live coverage on BBC Radio 5 live, while Gabby Logan is on BBC Two at the moment, chatting to Paula Radcliffe. (At 10:00 BST coverage will switch to BBC One.)

    Still with me? There is also uninterrupted coverage of all the elite races on the Red Button. Not to mention highlights on BBC Two at 18:00 (22:30 on BBC Two Wales), but I can remind you about that later.

  98. Post update

    Hello! Wipe away the tears, there's no need to get emotional, not yet anyway. Welcome to live text commentary of the 35th London Marathon!

    Let's try to remain upbeat for now because the day will no doubt become moving and poignant as we hear the tear-jerking tales of thousands of charity runners and watch Britain's greatest female runner drag her body from Greenwich to The Mall for a touching swansong. It's going to be tough, but the London Marathon always is.

  99. Post update

    Paula Radcliffe

    It comes to us all. The end. The last hurrah. When we have to accept our best days are behind us and the body no longer does what the mind wants.

    But not everyone's best was the best that's ever been. Not everyone knows what it feels like to step down from greatness, surrendering to wobbly tendons and aching joints when all you want to do is run, run, run and run some more.

    Which is why we won't know the true breadth of Paula Radcliffe's feelings today as she runs through 26.2 miles of London's streets one final time, saying a grand farewell to a race where she proved herself to be like no other female runner in history.